Is it better to workout or not workout the muscle you inject on the same day? So if I inject delts is it bad or good to workout delts on the same day?
Is it better to workout or not workout the muscle you inject on the same day? So if I inject delts is it bad or good to workout delts on the same day?
I prefer to pin the muscle right after working it. This way you don't have to deal with any soreness while lifting, and you don't feel the PIP over the DOMS.
It doesn't matter but I prefer to pin before it kinda gives me a awsome pump.
For myself... I have found that pre workout shots, although may be a little sore during the workout, are much less sore when you wake up the next day. Thats just me.
I only pin glutes and quads, but it seems like there is less soreness when I pin before working those muscles. Seems like the blood flow helps to settle the oil (similar to massage).
i've tried it with quads before but never with delts. I dont want to pin my delt and then not be able to do my shoulder workout
i like to pin before, i feel it helps reduce soreness
I PERSONALLY do after. just me though.
from what I've learned, nothing is negative physiologically either way. but, in my limited experience, pinning afterward is best, but pinning just before workout is WAY better than pinning the day AFTER working that muscle (meaning that the pain in the first few hours of the pin is so minimal compared to the pain the day after the pin). so for me, the sooner after the pin i workout, the better. (or simply pin afterward). pain seems to be the only problem, not damage, etc. but, of course, pain limits your maximum workout push (if you truly are human), so in that respect, pain is your only concern.
if you're anything like me you dont' get post injection pain for a few hours after injecting so right before working that muscle right after would be a good thing.
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