Example of how to stack winny, test enth and masteron togther? Need opinions
Example of how to stack winny, test enth and masteron togther? Need opinions
cycle history? age?? bla bla and the rest
600/400 sounds good!
Put one bottle on top of the other
It honestly seems odd to me that someone ready to stack 3 compounds would need insight as to how it would work... just sayin'.
Are you talking about mast prop or enth? Enth seems to be more and more popular.
Body Fat:15%(Maybe Lower Got that measurement taken 8 weeks ago Been dieting and Cardio hard)
First cycle: test cyp 400mgs per week for 10 weeks(also ran Arimidex at .5mgs Every other day for 10 weeks)...PCT 20 mgs of Nolva a day for 4 weeks
Second cycle: test cyp 400mgs Every week, deca 400 mgs Every week for 10 weeks..... PCT Nolva 20 mgs a day for 4 weeks
Well see i was thinking about going test enth 400mgs a week, masteron enth 400mgs a week and winny 100mgs everyother day for the last 6 weeks............my cycle would be 12 total weeks
Question is do i continue to run masteron with winny
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