Originally Posted by
choked chicken
This should be made a sticky maybe? I'm 23 and been training for nearly 2 years. I just started my first and only course of anabolic steroids. But because of my research and stat's 5ft10 @ 95 kg I feel confident enough to be doing this course of test enan for 12 weeks all by myself with no help. I am also fortunate to be training with amature powerlifters that have won there fair share of medals .They seem to think I'm at the right age and have the stats and understanding of steroids so every thing is all good, baring in mind ive had an excellent diet with some supplements, along with correct training. Heck I've even had myself a personal instructor for the first 6 weeks in my training. since I've made some great friends of all ages in my local gym that I train with.
Anyway back to what i was ment to ask despite all of my post, this thread has even made me think am i to young to be doing this? This is why I think this thread should be made a sticky. you guys clearly enlightened the guy that started this thread, I bet he's taken on your advice.
I'm currently 10 weeks into a typical course of test enanthate tomorrow with excellent gains and still gaining big! do you think I should stop my course now, or do the 12? I Shall make a separate thread when I finish my pct and show you guys my results. Thanks gent's