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Thread: What will i need for my Sustanon cycle?

  1. #1

    Smile What will i need for my Sustanon cycle?

    Who has taken a Sustanon Cycle and knows what i will need for Post Cycle Therapy?

    i am going to take a half CC shot every 5 days of sustanon. i need advice.

    what will i need to have on hand? (and why will i need them)

    what will i need for post cycle therapy? (when do i start post cycle)

    is 7 weeks a long enough cycle?

    what if i just stop taking sustanon?

    what are the dangers of abruptly quitting the cycle? and when i decide to end my cycle how do i go about ending it.

    thank you for your answers.

  2. #2
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    You'll need sustanon...
    and probably a little more education on what you're doing.
    read up a bit, this site has all the answers. The fact you measure in cc tells me you're probably not ready for a cycle just yet

  3. #3
    dude, seriously?

    i already have an idea of what i am going to do for post cycle i just wanted to see if the answers all match up.

    i've been all over the internet for weeks trying to get advice and everyone gives me the same run around.

    experienced or not, im doing this regaurdless so it would be nice if i could do it correctly with some REAL advice from someone who has experience. that is the point of a forum. that's why im here.

    you people act like doing/knowing about roids makes you part of some secret society.

  4. #4
    and i have my sus already. not starting until i have all the precautionary pct's. and the things i'll need to take durring.

  5. #5
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    If you know what you are doing, why the hell are you injecting sus every 5 days? You obviously DONT know if you plan on doing it every 5 days.

    Please try to listen to the guys that are trying to help you out by telling you to do more research.

  6. #6
    okay. i understand this is serious.

    i did some reading on this site and found the answers to a few of my questions. about why you cant abruptly stop taking sus and things like that.. estrogen will take over and you will get gyno..

    and why is 1/2 cc every 5 days a bad idea? my friend is a pro mma fighter and he has given me the sus and most of my advice so far. he also came up with the 1/2 cc every 5 days idea. he has done this before sooooo.. the thing is he just assumes i understand everything already and expects me to trust him. thats why i dont get much advice from him. he says he has all the things ill need for pct but i just want to check with you guys to make sure he has it right. (he isnt doing the sus, just me)

  7. #7
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    What are your stats?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    okay. i understand this is serious.

    i did some reading on this site and found the answers to a few of my questions. about why you cant abruptly stop taking sus and things like that.. estrogen will take over and you will get gyno..

    and why is 1/2 cc every 5 days a bad idea? my friend is a pro mma fighter and he has given me the sus and most of my advice so far. he also came up with the 1/2 cc every 5 days idea. he has done this before sooooo.. the thing is he just assumes i understand everything already and expects me to trust him. thats why i dont get much advice from him. he says he has all the things ill need for pct but i just want to check with you guys to make sure he has it right. (he isnt doing the sus, just me)
    Does being a pro mma fighter qualify him as a AAS master? no, my brother is a pro fighter in colorado and hes hasnt the slightest clue about this no matter how much he believes he does

  9. #9
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    Do you know what testosterone esters are?

    Do you know how long different tests last in your blood stream?

    Do you know what esters are used in Sustanon?

    Did you know change in blood levels = more sides?

    Research the above questions and you will find your answer.

    Im not being a douche my not telling you directly why, but the best way to learn is to research yourself. Just because your friend is a mma fighter doesnt mean jack shit, plenty of fighters do the worst cycles ive ever seen. Do some research for your own sake.

  10. #10
    Do you know what testosterone esters are?
    Do you know how long different tests last in your blood stream?
    Do you know what esters are used in Sustanon?
    esters slow the release of the steroid from where its been injected. the ester will lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid solubility. which makes the sus form a deposit in the muscle tissue. then it will enter circulation by the blood. the longer the ester the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation. sus=long ester SO WHY IS EVERY 5 DAYS BAD?

    Did you know change in blood levels = more sides?

    this makes sense... and now i know that change in blood levels equals more sides.

    SO. now. help me with my PCT cycle.

  11. #11
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    what are you STATS
    Training exp
    Previous Cycles

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    Do you know what testosterone esters are?
    Do you know how long different tests last in your blood stream?
    Do you know what esters are used in Sustanon?
    esters slow the release of the steroid from where its been injected. the ester will lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid solubility. which makes the sus form a deposit in the muscle tissue. then it will enter circulation by the blood. the longer the ester the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation. sus=long ester SO WHY IS EVERY 5 DAYS BAD?

    Did you know change in blood levels = more sides?

    this makes sense... and now i know that change in blood levels equals more sides.

    SO. now. help me with my PCT cycle.
    Sust is 4 esters not just a long ester

  13. #13
    i don't even want to answer this because i know you're just hoping for a chance to dog me about my age and weight. "what you need at your age is FOOD"

    im 21
    170 lbs.
    body fat is like 14%
    i train everyday, played every sport in high school, and i play intermural sports in college. i am an athlete.
    i train with my friend who i previously stated is a fighter, and trains as such.
    i've never cycled before and if i had i'd be a fool for doing it seeing as how i don't know the exacts of pct.
    i am all for doing things right and perfect to a tee.
    im not going to jump into cycles without everything layed out in advance.
    that is why im here.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    i don't even want to answer this because i know you're just hoping for a chance to dog me about my age and weight. "what you need at your age is FOOD"

    im 21
    170 lbs.
    body fat is like 14%
    i train everyday, played every sport in high school, and i play intermural sports in college. i am an athlete.
    i train with my friend who i previously stated is a fighter, and trains as such.
    i've never cycled before and if i had i'd be a fool for doing it seeing as how i don't know the exacts of pct.
    i am all for doing things right and perfect to a tee.
    im not going to jump into cycles without everything layed out in advance.
    that is why im here.
    If you know why ask? Do you care about your health? or your body? you want to build a better body but do you care about your inside? No you do not, read Marcus threads on he young and steroids. I'm 5'7 and 190 pounds at 14% bf and i'm all natural at this point but ive done a boat load of research and have learned quite a bit and continue to everyday so when I do dive into aas I wont need to do things like ask whats PCT? Fix your diet and workout because at those stats its quite apparent neither of the two are in order.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    i don't even want to answer this because i know you're just hoping for a chance to dog me about my age and weight. "what you need at your age is FOOD"

    im 21
    170 lbs.
    body fat is like 14%
    i train everyday, played every sport in high school, and i play intermural sports in college. i am an athlete.
    i train with my friend who i previously stated is a fighter, and trains as such.
    i've never cycled before and if i had i'd be a fool for doing it seeing as how i don't know the exacts of pct.
    i am all for doing things right and perfect to a tee.
    im not going to jump into cycles without everything layed out in advance.
    that is why im here.
    21 year olds shouldn't be messing with steroids, PERIOD!!!! You're also 6'3 and 170lbs which tells me you either A don't know how to train, B don't know how to eat or C (and most likely) a combination of the two.

    You probably should start reading some of the logs people post on here. Or hell google the shit out of the compounds you wish to take. Learn everything you can about them. And by the way, a PCT isn't precautionary. Unless you're on TRT (which you're not), it's necessary.

    But let me emphasize the fact that you're 21 again. Your body isn't done developing and you risk ****ing your body up real good. Besides, you're far from your genetic potential. I suggest you sell that sustanon off and get a personal trainer and/or a dietician.

  16. #16
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    Sus is an ester by itself is it?

    Do more research mate, its 4 esters, only ONE of which is longer and the amount per ml that is that longer ester is miniscule comapred to the other esters. SO YOU NEED TO INJ MORE THEN EVERY 5 DAYS.

    Theres your answer. If you inject every 5 days your blood levels will be up and down like a yoyo, less gains, more sides. but if thats what you want go ahead.

  17. #17
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    BTW you are too young anyway

  18. #18
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    I have jsut started a sus250 cycle message me if you would like any information.

    250mg a week, 10 week cycle

  19. #19
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    Hey scobbs are you offering to advise someone who is 21 to cycle?

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    i don't even want to answer this because i know you're just hoping for a chance to dog me about my age and weight. "what you need at your age is FOOD"

    im 21
    170 lbs.
    body fat is like 14%
    i train everyday, played every sport in high school, and i play intermural sports in college. i am an athlete.
    i train with my friend who i previously stated is a fighter, and trains as such.
    i've never cycled before and if i had i'd be a fool for doing it seeing as how i don't know the exacts of pct.
    i am all for doing things right and perfect to a tee.
    im not going to jump into cycles without everything layed out in advance.
    that is why im here.
    explains all........
    too young
    no research
    'someone lay this on a plate for me' etc etc etc
    Last edited by dec11; 02-11-2011 at 09:38 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by scobbs View Post
    I have jsut started a sus250 cycle message me if you would like any information.

    250mg a week, 10 week cycle
    yeah, and on three posts you were three diff ages ranging from 20-23

    do not encourage young use, or you will be picked up on and banned.

    Op, ignore this, he could be a scammer

  22. #22
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    Like I said, not ready.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    Who has taken a Sustanon Cycle and knows what i will need for Post Cycle Therapy?

    i am going to take a half CC shot every 5 days of sustanon. i need advice.

    what will i need to have on hand? (and why will i need them)

    what will i need for post cycle therapy? (when do i start post cycle)

    is 7 weeks a long enough cycle?

    what if i just stop taking sustanon?

    what are the dangers of abruptly quitting the cycle? and when i decide to end my cycle how do i go about ending it.

    thank you for your answers.
    This is a bad idea all around...
    First, your dosing... 'half a cc' doesn't tell us much. How many g/ml is the bottle? I'm betting its Sust 250, which means you want to inject 125mg every 5 days? That is not a dose that anyone would recommend.... and you are shutting your natural production off.
    Sustanon is a combination of 4 different esters of Testosterone. Some are short acting, one is long acting. I don't mean to be a dick, but your friend doesn't know what he's talking about if he is suggesting you take 125mg every 5 days. In addition, 7 weeks is not an appropriate amount of time for a cycle of Sustanon.

    If you have already started taking it, you should order Clomid and Nolvadex from Ar-R at the banner at the top right of the page. Stop the Sust, wait 2 weeks, then start your PCT with the clomid and nolvadex. That would be the proper way to come off. Clomid for 4 weeks, dosed at 100/100/50/50 and Nolvadex at 40/40/20/20.

    If you are serious about wanting to develop your body, you have come to the right forum, albeit with the wrong approach. Steroids are not your answer, and won't be for at least 3-4 more years. You are too young, and too inexperienced. Until the age of 24-25, the average person's endocrine system is still developing. This is the group of organs/tissues that regulate hormones in your body. Taking steroids turns this system off, because your body will not produce testosterone as long as you are injecting it. Think about that... you are shutting off your endocrine system while it's in its most critical stage of development. You will DRASTICALLY increase the chance of permanent damage, risking a permanent decrease in natural testosterone levels. How pleasant are erections to you? How much fun would it be to not be able to get one? Loss of libido, inability to maintain an erection, inability to maintain muscle, and depression are common symptoms of low testosterone. That is why people don't want you to be using these drugs at your age.

    At your height, you are underweight. You do not have your diet in check... that is your first step. You can call yourself a hard gainer, etc. etc... but you won't fool the people here who have been through it. Unless you are half feeling nauseous all day from constant eating, you are not eating enough. This forum has an EXCELLENT diet forum. Go there, and get advice. Read some of the threads there, figure out a diet for yourself, and post it for someone to critique. Until you fix your diet and fill out naturally, using steroids wouldn't benefit you very much, anyway.

    Finally, welcome to the forum. I sincerely hope you take our advice, and lay off the steroids for now. Good luck with your body building.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    explains all........
    too young
    no research
    'someone lay this on a plate for me' etc etc etc
    AviatorNine is going to do more harm then good ! 100% guaranteed
    I suggest stopping and doing a PCT right away .
    Train and eat a few years . In the mean time do some research and not pickup misc AAS .

    I hope you can transition back
    Good luck
    Dont wanna be old

  25. #25
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    This should be made a sticky maybe? I'm 23 and been training for nearly 2 years. I just started my first and only course of anabolic steroids. But because of my research and stat's 5ft10 @ 95 kg I feel confident enough to be doing this course of test enan for 12 weeks all by myself with no help. I am also fortunate to be training with amature powerlifters that have won there fair share of medals .They seem to think I'm at the right age and have the stats and understanding of steroids so every thing is all good, baring in mind ive had an excellent diet with some supplements, along with correct training. Heck I've even had myself a personal instructor for the first 6 weeks in my training. since I've made some great friends of all ages in my local gym that I train with.

    Anyway back to what i was ment to ask despite all of my post, this thread has even made me think am i to young to be doing this? This is why I think this thread should be made a sticky. you guys clearly enlightened the guy that started this thread, I bet he's taken on your advice.

    I'm currently 10 weeks into a typical course of test enanthate tomorrow with excellent gains and still gaining big! do you think I should stop my course now, or do the 12? I Shall make a separate thread when I finish my pct and show you guys my results. Thanks gent's

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by choked chicken View Post
    This should be made a sticky maybe? I'm 23 and been training for nearly 2 years. I just started my first and only course of anabolic steroids. But because of my research and stat's 5ft10 @ 95 kg I feel confident enough to be doing this course of test enan for 12 weeks all by myself with no help. I am also fortunate to be training with amature powerlifters that have won there fair share of medals .They seem to think I'm at the right age and have the stats and understanding of steroids so every thing is all good, baring in mind ive had an excellent diet with some supplements, along with correct training. Heck I've even had myself a personal instructor for the first 6 weeks in my training. since I've made some great friends of all ages in my local gym that I train with.

    Anyway back to what i was ment to ask despite all of my post, this thread has even made me think am i to young to be doing this? This is why I think this thread should be made a sticky. you guys clearly enlightened the guy that started this thread, I bet he's taken on your advice.

    I'm currently 10 weeks into a typical course of test enanthate tomorrow with excellent gains and still gaining big! do you think I should stop my course now, or do the 12? I Shall make a separate thread when I finish my pct and show you guys my results. Thanks gent's
    Well, everybody is different. Some guys endocrine systems are fully developed by the time they're 21. I think 23 is still young, but anyways. You should finish your cycle as planned (especially since you're still making gains) and finish your PCT as planned. Unless you get some sort of curve-ball thrown in there, stick to the plan you made based on your research and get some bloodwork done after your PCT is complete.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Well, everybody is different. Some guys endocrine systems are fully developed by the time they're 21. I think 23 is still young, but anyways. You should finish your cycle as planned (especially since you're still making gains) and finish your PCT as planned. Unless you get some sort of curve-ball thrown in there, stick to the plan you made based on your research and get some bloodwork done after your PCT is complete.
    Thanks for advice. How long after my pct course would you sugest having my blood checked? Day after finishing my pct i had planed.... Everyone i talk to about it do get there blood checked after finishg a course, the other half dont bover...

  28. #28


    actually I haven't been detered from this cycle. I took the information I needed from this thread about clomid and nolvadex and intend to go ahead with the cycle.

    the guy I train with who is givng me the sust wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interest. I'm going to be just fine. I'm going to do everythng right. I have nothing to worry about. people use steroids everyday and return to normal test levels. you just have to know what your doing. I'm an intelegent guy. if I was afraid of what might happen I wouldn't do it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    actually I haven't been detered from this cycle. I took the information I needed from this thread about clomid and nolvadex and intend to go ahead with the cycle.

    the guy I train with who is givng me the sust wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interest. I'm going to be just fine. I'm going to do everythng right. I have nothing to worry about. people use steroids everyday and return to normal test levels. you just have to know what your doing. I'm an intelegent guy. if I was afraid of what might happen I wouldn't do it.
    Apparently not hope you and your dick aren't good friends. Also if your best interest was in mind he wouldn't recommend this, but hey they're are Darwin awards for a reason

  30. #30
    Enjoy impotence, kid.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    actually I haven't been detered from this cycle. I took the information I needed from this thread about clomid and nolvadex and intend to go ahead with the cycle.

    the guy I train with who is givng me the sust wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interest. I'm going to be just fine. I'm going to do everythng right. I have nothing to worry about. people use steroids everyday and return to normal test levels. you just have to know what your doing. I'm an intelegent guy. if I was afraid of what might happen I wouldn't do it.
    Ok . You can carry on . Lets do some math .
    According to your previous post . You said 1/2 ml of sustanon . We can pretend you have 300mg/ml UGL .
    So that makes 7 shots over 5 weeks . 7 x 150mg/5= 1050mg/5 weeks = 210mg quad test /week
    Don't subtract the test prop as a short ester with a 3 day half life .
    After 3 or 4 weeks when your body stops producing natural test . Depending on age . probably 100mg to 250mg . ( Baseline of test needed to bring elder with 0 production to lvl of a younger man )
    At best without discounting the prop you might gain 100mg test .
    This is a generous figure by a idiot old man .

    For all the trouble your going to endure . It would be same as drinking aftershave to get drunk from the alcohol content . But my friend Ed Hardy gave me the aftershave and would only have good intentions for me .

    I hope my math is wrong or the information you provided is incorrect .
    Very good luck to you
    Dont wanna be old

  32. #32
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    I'm 27, 6'3", and almost 50 lbs heavier than you with prob less body fat. I was wondering if I was too light to start using AAS. This is ridiculous that you can't even answer simple pct questions. I was embarrassed to even start posting threads when I knew so little about steroids, I just read and took in what I could, asking questions where appropriate. Keeping learning and wait till you're a little older.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by choked chicken View Post
    Thanks for advice. How long after my pct course would you sugest having my blood checked? Day after finishing my pct i had planed.... Everyone i talk to about it do get there blood checked after finishg a course, the other half dont bover...
    I'd say a few weeks afterwards to see if you recovered from your cycle at the latest.

  34. #34
    okay. those of you who are non users or even those of you who use gear but worked naturally until you were ready to use gear, WHAT ARE THE BEST SUPPLEMENTS for toneing up. since this sustanon I have will aparently KILL ME AND RUIN MY LIFE..haha

    I want to continue to put on big gains while keeping my body fat down because it's almost time to start hitting the beaches. basically I want to bulk without getting fat.

    I currently take a ton of whey and use creatine post workout.

    I've heard x factor advanced is good. do any of you know about test factor?
    maybe run some lean extreme after?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    okay. those of you who are non users or even those of you who use gear but worked naturally until you were ready to use gear, WHAT ARE THE BEST SUPPLEMENTS for toneing up. since this sustanon I have will aparently KILL ME AND RUIN MY LIFE..haha

    I want to continue to put on big gains while keeping my body fat down because it's almost time to start hitting the beaches. basically I want to bulk without getting fat.

    I currently take a ton of whey and use creatine post workout.

    I've heard x factor advanced is good. do any of you know about test factor?
    maybe run some lean extreme after?
    That has more to do with controlling your diet better. finding the right mix of carbs, fats and proteins that gives you enough calories to build but not too much that you're building fat. No supplement on the market will do for you what a good diet will.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    actually I haven't been detered from this cycle. I took the information I needed from this thread about clomid and nolvadex and intend to go ahead with the cycle.

    the guy I train with who is givng me the sust wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interest. I'm going to be just fine. I'm going to do everythng right. I have nothing to worry about. people use steroids everyday and return to normal test levels. you just have to know what your doing. I'm an intelegent guy. if I was afraid of what might happen I wouldn't do it.
    see, this is called lack of maturity and being delusional. is the guy who holds your best interests at heart guaranteeing that your dick will work after the cycle? is he the spiritual answer to viagra or summit?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AviatorNine View Post
    okay. those of you who are non users or even those of you who use gear but worked naturally until you were ready to use gear, WHAT ARE THE BEST SUPPLEMENTS for toneing up. since this sustanon I have will aparently KILL ME AND RUIN MY LIFE..haha

    I want to continue to put on big gains while keeping my body fat down because it's almost time to start hitting the beaches. basically I want to bulk without getting fat.

    I currently take a ton of whey and use creatine post workout.

    I've heard x factor advanced is good. do any of you know about test factor?
    maybe run some lean extreme after?
    Well there is no magical supplement, it all boils down to your diet even if you are on cycle diet is what determines your outcome. Whey is only good after a workout the rest of the time you should be eating lean foods, I'd go make a thread in the diet section and the experts there will straighten you out pretty quick. As for supps I'd just go with Whey after working out with some fruit, Creatine 5 g post workout and a casein shake at night before bed.

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