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Thread: whats wrong with test only cycles for advanced users ?

  1. #1
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    whats wrong with test only cycles for advanced users ?

    ok dont flame me straight away, think about it, we tell new users to use test E only for first time users and add one compound to a cycle at a time to see if there is any adverse reactions and sides and everything.right ?

    Speaking personally i did prop and var last time which was also my first, for my next cycle i was going to drop the var( or do a low dosage to finish the batch off) but i am struggling to find a compound that I really want to add ( apart from tren),which begs the question why do i need to add another compound ? is it like a competition to see how many compounds you can handle, or is it just try each and every compound out to give it try so you can have your own opinion on it?

    i have read the profiles a dozen times and cannot find a good enough partner for test apart from tren which is what i really want but I know its not good for a second cycle.

    opinions please

  2. #2
    the problem is if all you ever cycle is test, you will need to keep increasing the dose the more you use it. Therefore you will be running high amounts of test in a shorter period of time. A cycle of 500mg for a 10 year experienced user will do basically nothing to their bodies when trying to build muscle

  3. #3
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    I guess It depends what your looking for ?
    Bodybuilder , power-lifter , gym rat or looking for illegal substance to abuse

    Some people want strength , size , hardness or overall well being .
    Some compounds :
    Fast acting
    Long lasting
    easy or hard to detect
    Hard on body
    cause gyno by prolactin or estrogen
    cause hair loss
    pain free

    Then after you consider those factor you have to decide availability . human grade or UGL
    If you used a UGL or use one now , think if dose is correct .

    There are no great answers or cycles , just cycles .

  4. #4
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    ok, something to think about with those responses, in terms of personal goals, i want a year round six pack so about 10% bf and to be a bit bigger, harder and leaner, i dont want to be massive but i still want to be able to run and move quickly and be fit, im already 195ish lbs at about 13% So i reckon 200 - 210 lbs at 10 % at 5'10 should be pretty awesome. but there again I always want more and im always looking to improve.

    what's the gym rat ? the guy who is always in the gym ?

  5. #5
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    Yeah look at the different compounds and change them up and see how the body responds theirs plenty of compounds that can cut you up check out the steroid profiles on here all info's there...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    ok, something to think about with those responses, in terms of personal goals, i want a year round six pack so about 10% bf and to be a bit bigger, harder and leaner, i dont want to be massive but i still want to be able to run and move quickly and be fit, im already 195ish lbs at about 13% So i reckon 200 - 210 lbs at 10 % at 5'10 should be pretty awesome. but there again I always want more and im always looking to improve.

    what's the gym rat ? the guy who is always in the gym ?
    Gym rat is guy that spends more time in the gym than average Joe . Average Joe spends more time in gym then guy that comes in 1 or 2 times once a week or every now or then .
    Gym rat is not a bodybuilder or power lifter . But might have dabbled in AAS or dieted once or twice .
    This is just my idea of a gym rat and not found in the Webster dictionary .

  7. #7
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    Lol I go to the gym 5 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour depending on what workout im doing, am I a gym rat

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaZr View Post
    Lol I go to the gym 5 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour depending on what workout im doing, am I a gym rat
    I think your just trying to pick up chicks . That is a hole different area .

  9. #9
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    Lol theres a guy who goes to my gym and works chest and biceps 3 days a week, he also gives advice to youngins. He my friends is a gym rat. His thigh is about the size of my pointer finger.

  10. #10
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    lol gym rats are always there and try hard and dont get distracted by the muff but alot of guys go there and just lean on machines and chase muff

  11. #11
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    Theres nothing wrong with it...alot of people go over board on the doses they take and the amount they stack. I think at a point test alone wont put on any more mass but you would have to be damb big to have that happen!

    I think the best way to make steady gains and not over desensitize your receptors is to slowly taper upward and take a longer "off time" between cycles.

    cycle 1- 500mg test

    cycle 2 - 500mg test
    30mg dbol

    cycle 3 - 600 test
    80mg tbol

    cycle 4 - 750mg test
    50mg dbol

    cycle 5 - 750mg test
    100mg tbol

    cycle 6 - 750mg test
    400mg deca
    50mg dbol

    cycle 7 - 1000mg test
    100mg anavar

    This is what makes sens to me

  12. #12
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    yeah but just use this for example its like the alcoholic he doesn't just continue to drink a carton a night he increase the dosage to a carton and 6 pack or uses other drinks like wine or spirits its just that the carton stops working and needs different drinks and different dosages...

  13. #13
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    er.... i think i may be a gym rat lol, not quite sure iv made it to BB status yet

  14. #14
    number twelve's Avatar
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    dude, havent read all the comments so maybe someone has already said this. there is nothing wrong with doing just test. your body will grow from it without question. its only your second cycle. your not gonna have to bump the dosages up. i am on my 4th and still do 500 and have great results. for me, i have found i do best with test and an oral.

  15. #15
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    yeah got the dosage point, so my first cycle was 80mg ED var and 100mg EOD prop, 7 weeks, lessons learnt, take adex for bloat, dont do var - hurt my liver even with milk thistle, 7 weeks too short, so next time our longer cycle, no orals, use AI, increase test dosage.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    dude, havent read all the comments so maybe someone has already said this. there is nothing wrong with doing just test. your body will grow from it without question. its only your second cycle. your not gonna have to bump the dosages up. i am on my 4th and still do 500 and have great results. for me, i have found i do best with test and an oral.
    im thinking about a summer blast on sust 500 mg EW for 12 weeks

  17. #17
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    Yeah i like prop fast acting and decent d-bol is also excellent dude

  18. #18
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    dbol sounds like a lot of bloat which is exactly what im trying to avoid

  19. #19
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    purpose and theory of a stack is that compounds work synergistically to give better resiults than say test alone - not to see how many compounds you can handle (like you said in op). Does that mean you have to always run multi compound If you run back to back test cycles (with proper time off)do you need to dramatically increase amount of test to see results - absolutely not. Based on your stated goals..test with a good diet/workout/rest would prob be more than adequate IMO.

  20. #20
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    Sounds kinda like the same thing I was thinking. I wonder how fast the body would build tolerance to test by itself. I mean, I would think you could run your first few cycles with test e at 500 mg a week and still make incredible gains. Slowly boost the dosage up with additional cycles. Some of the other drugs appear to have very negative side effects. To me, being bloated out during cycle would be really embarrassing, only to lose that bloat when usage is ceased. That drastic change and fluctuation in appear would tip many people off that you're using. To some that might not matter, but you can lose respect or get in trouble with your occupation or family if it's really drastic.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG NICE View Post
    Sounds kinda like the same thing I was thinking. I wonder how fast the body would build tolerance to test by itself. I mean, I would think you could run your first few cycles with test e at 500 mg a week and still make incredible gains. Slowly boost the dosage up with additional cycles. Some of the other drugs appear to have very negative side effects. To me, being bloated out during cycle would be really embarrassing, only to lose that bloat when usage is ceased. That drastic change and fluctuation in appear would tip many people off that you're using. To some that might not matter, but you can lose respect or get in trouble with your occupation or family if it's really drastic.
    One thing i have learned is if your doing something you have to hide its not a good idea to do it. I personally told my family that I was going to do it sometime in the future and well some don't like it, some really don't like it but all respect that I am me and my decisions are mine. It makes life a lot easier when you are open with those around you. The only deal I made was with my wife that I wouldn't do it until we had kids so I wont be to worried about infertility.

  22. #22
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    I only do test.

    Combined with hard training and a good diet, it's all some people need.....
    Last edited by terraj; 02-11-2011 at 09:58 PM.

  23. #23
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    I agree with not doing something you should have to hide. I'm saying, in some professions it is just unacceptable and immoral to some people. I really couldn't go into work in my career and be dbolled up and bloated. Questions might pop up if I put on 30 lbs in 30 days. My boss asked me a few times if I was on steroids when I was just taking Mdrol at 20 mg/day. Just something to think about....

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG NICE View Post
    I agree with not doing something you should have to hide. I'm saying, in some professions it is just unacceptable and immoral to some people. I really couldn't go into work in my career and be dbolled up and bloated. Questions might pop up if I put on 30 lbs in 30 days. My boss asked me a few times if I was on steroids when I was just taking Mdrol at 20 mg/day. Just something to think about....

    I agree

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    the problem is if all you ever cycle is test, you will need to keep increasing the dose the more you use it. Therefore you will be running high amounts of test in a shorter period of time. A cycle of 500mg for a 10 year experienced user will do basically nothing to their bodies when trying to build muscle
    not true, ive ran up to 800mgs test only before and can still gain now on my trt of 250mg pw

  26. #26
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    Problem with test only is, that eventhough it seems to work like a charm for some - there is many of us who don't get that much from test only unless the dosage is HIGH, and that brings out big side effects too.

    I know lots of guys who could do an 500mg/w or 750mg test cycle and all they get is little bit of more "ripped" look maybe, and they are sweating big time and looking flushed, 24hours a day. But when they add some anabolic compound to it, together it works nicely!

    I do see test only as an necessary drug to keep libido and stuff working while taking some anabolics to gain, I would never do it alone unless the dosage would be 750-1000mg/w but in that case the side effects would kill me.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redial View Post
    Problem with test only is, that eventhough it seems to work like a charm for some - there is many of us who don't get that much from test only unless the dosage is HIGH, and that brings out big side effects too.

    I know lots of guys who could do an 500mg/w or 750mg test cycle and all they get is little bit of more "ripped" look maybe, and they are sweating big time and looking flushed, 24hours a day. But when they add some anabolic compound to it, together it works nicely!

    I do see test only as an necessary drug to keep libido and stuff working while taking some anabolics to gain, I would never do it alone unless the dosage would be 750-1000mg/w but in that case the side effects would kill me.
    if they are taking it to bulk then they arent eating enough

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    if they are taking it to bulk then they arent eating enough
    I mean compared to anabolic compounds, test has great benefits in "fat loss", and body outlook but I don't see it as a huge mass gainer - except the water weight that specially longer esters cause big time.

    And yes, I know no steroid itself causes fat loss, but I claim that test and in example anavar are drugs that do change your muscle/fat ratio somehow, or at least it looks like it when you're on cycle.

    After all, I think test should be always be taken with some anabolic, oral or injectable. I'd prefer mild anabolic only over test-only.

  29. #29
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    I do good at 400 and I ran 750 once.Why I dont know.

  30. #30
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    the more test you introduce your body to at a point it will become almost immune

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.. View Post
    the more test you introduce your body to at a point it will become almost immune
    Could you elaborate on that?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Could you elaborate on that?
    X2, not sure i understand what he's saying here..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  33. #33
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    Is this guy even a Dr? He says quick one sentence replies and has the grammar of a 4 yr old.

  34. #34
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    ^^^^ Yeah, got me thinking.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  35. #35
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.. View Post
    the more test you introduce your body to at a point it will become almost immune
    Bullshit. Ive ran 1100test/600deca/400tren. Now I only run 500mgs of test per cycle and get great gains. As long as you take time off you keep getting gains.

    To the OP, your fine running 500mgs of test, everytime I run it I get my diet and supps better and better and it works great.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  36. #36
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    Whats wrong with

    150mg Test prop EOD
    50MG Tren Ace EOD

    For ur second cycle? I dont understand why people say tren is a no go for a second cycle. If thats the only compound u'd like to stack with test just do a low dose of it like 50mg EOD, of the acetate version just to be safe and go from there. I dont see having experience with Dbol/Deca/Winny/Var, etc etc before using tren would make you any less likely to have a bad reaction to it if you've already used test and you've been fine with test. If you have a bad reaction to tren, what does it have to do with any other previous compounds you've experience with, your gonna have the same reaction to it regardless of it being ur 2nd cycle or 8th cycle, assuming its ur firs time using it.

  37. #37
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    I assume its because the sides of the other will better teach you how to deal and cope.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayacrucis View Post
    Whats wrong with

    150mg Test prop EOD
    50MG Tren Ace EOD

    For ur second cycle? I dont understand why people say tren is a no go for a second cycle. If thats the only compound u'd like to stack with test just do a low dose of it like 50mg EOD, of the acetate version just to be safe and go from there. I dont see having experience with Dbol/Deca/Winny/Var, etc etc before using tren would make you any less likely to have a bad reaction to it if you've already used test and you've been fine with test. If you have a bad reaction to tren, what does it have to do with any other previous compounds you've experience with, your gonna have the same reaction to it regardless of it being ur 2nd cycle or 8th cycle, assuming its ur firs time using it.
    Thankyou, yeah iv been thinking of
    1-12 sust 500mg pw
    6-12 Tren A 75mg EOD
    With nolva and clomid for PCT

    But researching Tren everybody says it's not for a second cycle, but those that have included it on a second cycle have no regrets. So that brought me back to a test only cycle. I want cutting cycles until I'm 10 % bf , then maybe mass builder like a deca.

  39. #39
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    awesome thread! but i don't know why people talk about dbol bloat when I'm about into my 4th week of dbol with no bloat at all that i can tell. and that's all while on 500/wk e

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    awesome thread! but i don't know why people talk about dbol bloat when I'm about into my 4th week of dbol with no bloat at all that i can tell. and that's all while on 500/wk e
    Because most of the bloat is due to diet. Every one says it but most dont do it. Some still think that LESS water intake means less water retention. lol

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