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Thread: Does Nolva hurt gains a lot?

  1. #1

    Does Nolva hurt gains a lot?

    I am having to take Nolva throughout my first time cycle of 500mg/week of Eth. due to extreme sensitivity to Gyno. My right nip was already acting up while just taking prohormones.

    My gains have been rather whimpy, inspite of training hard and heavy, eating and resting well.

    It's been almost 8 weeks, and I'm up 3-4 lbs. I definitely have lost fat (waist line down an inch or more), so I figure I actually gained more muscle than the scale can tell....but I was hoping to be up at least 10 lbs by this point.

    I am thinking that the Nolva is not allowing me to gain any water weight. I must say that it is nice to stay hard while trying to grow, but I was hoping for better results for my first real gear cycle.

    Ideally I don't want to increase my Test dosage, since I'm thinking it will over-ride the Nolva, and aggravate the already present hints of gyno (very small itchy lump). It is tempting though. I have thought of jumping to 750mg several times, but I don't think it's a good idea.

    Should I stack with something?

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    not really, it helps take the water off so your muscle can contract less, but thats just water strength.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    I'm in the same boat your are OP. I had leaky nipples from 30 mg of Mdrol, which took awhile to get rid of, even while using letro and prami. I'm hoping my sensitivity was just because I didn't take a long enough break between cycles. I'll def run an AI during cycle, although I didn't want it to be nolva just because I have heard it could possibly hinder gains. I was actually going to make a similar post to the one you made, just been trying to do more research on it first. How much nolva? 10 mg per day for the whole cycle length? Will you take it the whole way up to PCT? The gains are prob more than what the scale says, although you are def right about it being your first real cycle you'd think you'd be up more. Good luck.

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