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Thread: partial tricept tendon tear help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    partial tricept tendon tear help

    Basically fell on my elbow twice in the 2 month period. Had MRI which showed a partial tricept tendon tear. Specialist told me that he recommends a surgery to reconnect the tendon to the bone which is about 50% torn but its not a neccesity. He said that he cant tell how good it will heal back on its own but it will. Been off the gym for 2 months loosing size like crazy. Everyone around me telling me I lost weight. Lack of gym and stress probably. Now the doc had me do a series of test and did say that its seems to be healing suprisingly quick. Do any one have a similiar problem and what was the outcome? Are you able to go back to regular lifting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    Similar thing happened to my friend's bicept and pect, but he recovered okay. Quadricept healed as well.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG NICE View Post
    Similar thing happened to my friend's bicept and pect, but he recovered okay. Quadricept healed as well.
    Have you ever torn your trapeziust? What about your gastronemiust? ok joking set aside either would be a huge pain in the gluteus maximust aka asst.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    lol, i was joking with OP, as he said tricept. I never knew anyone that did that.

  5. #5
    lol I was too- hehehe. Slimz- are you aware that it is Tricep NOT Tricept? There is no letter T at the end of any muscle name.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by slimz View Post
    Basically fell on my elbow twice in the 2 month period. Had MRI which showed a partial tricept tendon tear. Specialist told me that he recommends a surgery to reconnect the tendon to the bone which is about 50% torn but its not a neccesity. He said that he cant tell how good it will heal back on its own but it will. Been off the gym for 2 months loosing size like crazy. Everyone around me telling me I lost weight. Lack of gym and stress probably. Now the doc had me do a series of test and did say that its seems to be healing suprisingly quick. Do any one have a similiar problem and what was the outcome? Are you able to go back to regular lifting?
    My dad tore is bicep, and it took about 8 months before he was able to lift properly again. Give yourself a long hiatus from lifting. Better to make a comeback later when you are healed than push through the injury and make it worse.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    getting recovery is the most important thing right now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.. View Post
    getting recovery is the most important thing right now.
    Obvious but explain why???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Do you guys think that I should get some of generic hgh from china? Would that speed up healing or is that a waste of money?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    My friend i am going through a tricep tendon rupture at the moment. If you go with surgery then it sounds like what i had done . They remove the piece of tendon below the tear ,drill holes in your elbow and poke the tendon on the muscle through and basically secure from behind. I had mine done just before xmas but mine was actually ruptured after a work accident. its the strongest form of repair but you loose tendon length so movement is restricted. I can just about touch my nose on a good day .You have a very sore elbow as the tendon puts pressure on the bone as you bend it.I unfortunately got an infection in my arm so spent 3 1/2 weeks in hospital whilst they treated me . I start physio next week. You have a choice , either carry on as you are and hope you heal or take surgery. By the way i was 278 lbs when i went in and came out at 238 . My 19 1/2 arm is now withered after 8 weeks being either in a cast , back slab or tight bandages. It is smaller then my forearm . But the repair is strong . I have been told it may take a year to fully bend my arm but i didnt care as i couldnt carry on with just 2 of the three tricep muscles working .Its a tough choice my friend . Back in training in 6 days , not that im counting !!!

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