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Thread: Dianabol dosage and PCT for rookie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Dianabol dosage and PCT for rookie

    Hey, changed my mind about my first cycle and decided to do a D-bol only main reason for this is to avoid the likely side effects of Test E which apparently may last a long time and are pretty hard to overcome with PCT. also, I want to do just one steroid so there will be no confusion as to which one causes side effects if there are any. I know a lot of people say that Dbol only gains are hard to keep but I am confident that I will keep a large percentage through a good diet and intense training. Anyway, I have 1000 Mg to work with (100x10mg) are my stats:
    24 years old
    5'10, 180 lbs
    approx 15% Body fat
    3 years training experience

    Any advice on this cycle is very much appreciated but I have a few specific concerns...
    - Should I pyramid the cycle as a first time user? as in, ease myself into the cycle in terms of daily amounts and ease myself out of it.
    - What drugs for PCT for a dbol only cycle?

    Thanks again guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    d-bol only cycle is no good
    Quote Originally Posted by super-pump View Post
    Hey, changed my mind about my first cycle and decided to do a D-bol only main reason for this is to avoid the likely side effects of Test E which apparently may last a long time and are pretty hard to overcome with PCT. also, I want to do just one steroid so there will be no confusion as to which one causes side effects if there are any. I know a lot of people say that Dbol only gains are hard to keep but I am confident that I will keep a large percentage through a good diet and intense training. Anyway, I have 1000 Mg to work with (100x10mg) are my stats:
    24 years old
    5'10, 180 lbs
    approx 15% Body fat
    3 years training experience

    Any advice on this cycle is very much appreciated but I have a few specific concerns...
    - Should I pyramid the cycle as a first time user? as in, ease myself into the cycle in terms of daily amounts and ease myself out of it.
    - What drugs for PCT for a dbol only cycle?

    Thanks again guys!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Stay away or say bye to your liver best of test only cycle 500mg a week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    i have already said that i want to avoid the possible harsh side effects of test for my first cycle....I know many people who have done dbol only for their first one and it worked out fine...i will be using milk thistle the whole time to help protect my liver. I am pretty confident that Dbol alone is best for me as I am just experimenting at this point so that if anything goes wrong I can just stop the cycle and not worry about any long term damage. I know many people who have done dbol only for their first cycle and it worked out just fine with proper PCT, nutrition, and training habits.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by super-pump View Post
    i have already said that i want to avoid the possible harsh side effects of test for my first cycle....I know many people who have done dbol only for their first one and it worked out fine...i will be using milk thistle the whole time to help protect my liver. I am pretty confident that Dbol alone is best for me as I am just experimenting at this point so that if anything goes wrong I can just stop the cycle and not worry about any long term damage. I know many people who have done dbol only for their first cycle and it worked out just fine with proper PCT, nutrition, and training habits.
    side effects from dbol are more likely then with test e imo so i dont know why your thiniing ,the harsh sides of test e?

    dbol sides



    high blood preasure

    hair loss


    plus it can be harsh on the liver

    there common with dbol plus dbol gains are 90% warter

    test e can have the above side but its less likely imo and the gains are far far better ...

    as for shut down there is no real diff imo ,you can fully recover if you do the correct pct its just that with a dbol only cycle you will be recovering with very little gans while on the other hand you could be recovering with a good 15lbs of lean muscle from a test e cycle if everything is done by the book

    your call.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Just give it a miss bro best for u

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    thanks carp, that's a more helpful post....another reason why I didn't want to do test for my first cycle is that I kinda want to stay away from the needle until i become more comfortable with steroids and get someone to show me how to correctly use the needle....before you tell me, i know the needle is actually safer in many ways, but it's just a mental thing i guess...what would you recommend for amounts, length, and PCT for a dbol only cycle, IF you were going to do one? Thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimJoe View Post
    Just give it a miss bro best for u
    Not sure what you mean by this?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by super-pump View Post
    thanks carp, that's a more helpful post....another reason why I didn't want to do test for my first cycle is that I kinda want to stay away from the needle until i become more comfortable with steroids and get someone to show me how to correctly use the needle....before you tell me, i know the needle is actually safer in many ways, but it's just a mental thing i guess...what would you recommend for amounts, length, and PCT for a dbol only cycle, IF you were going to do one? Thanks
    if your realy realy dead set on doing dbol only then i would say 40mgs per day for 6 weeks with adex on cycle at .25mgs every other day to keep bloat and gyno away ,its not an ideal cycle man and ill prob get flamed for this post but seems your set on it so i would rather try and guide you than not ,even better would be to get tbol or even anavar ,dbol is the sucker of all oral cycles ,let me tell you this man to man ,once your do your first injection you be how suprised how easy it really is and you will be looking forward to the next injection ...

    dbol pct

    nolvadex 20/20/20

    clomid 50/50/25

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    thanks a million fact I did think about anavar but I am looking to bulk and build strength a little more than to cut up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I would drop it to 20 to 30mg a day & do it for 8 to 10 weeks so you solidified your gains. run hcg during your cycle because dbol will shut you down just like test. Drink ass loads of water if you aren't going to take anything else for your liver. One good thing about dbol is it will be out of your system quick as ****. I would just run a test prop cycle if I was you. it will be out of your system quick too if any bad sides start to pop up. you can jump into pct a lot quicker compared to test e & test c.

  12. #12
    ^^ dont think he will be wanting to inject every other day with prop if he is haveing doubts about test e (x2 per week)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by super-pump View Post
    thanks carp, that's a more helpful post....another reason why I didn't want to do test for my first cycle is that I kinda want to stay away from the needle until i become more comfortable with steroids and get someone to show me how to correctly use the needle....before you tell me, i know the needle is actually safer in many ways, but it's just a mental thing i guess...what would you recommend for amounts, length, and PCT for a dbol only cycle, IF you were going to do one? Thanks
    Youtube as many videos of people pinning themselves as you can and ask a buddy at the gym (who you knows juices) to pin you your first time.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    lol dianabol will give you an idea of what steroids are like but if u wanna get bigger and keep the gains then test is best...

    But if your headstrong just do what the other guys have suggested...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    If dbol thins hair.will it come back after Your cycle?

  16. #16
    I am considering a dbol / test cycle for first go, and am thinking of dropping the Dbol. Test is certainly the way to go. Why make your liver work harder than it has to on your first go? I have some friends that have used Dbol only and they end up getting moon face / severe water retention only later to lose all of their so called gains after an extensive PCT.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    Hang on D-bol mate used at moderate dosages for short periods is relatively safe dont get all scared just dont abuse D-bol technically dont run longer than 8 weeks. I have used D-bol plenty of times without any liver issues..

    Test D-bol is still a beginner cycle its safe and get decent gains..

    poppz if your worried about hair loss then don't use steroids there's plenty that cause MALE PATTERN BALDNESS however you have to have a predisposition to it..

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    If dbol thins hair.will it come back after Your cycle?
    Any hair loss you may experience is most likely permanent. Just get yourself a Hair Alternative Treatment (also known as a hat) if you fall victim to this. Either that or don't take steroids.

  19. #19
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    Hang on D-bol mate used at moderate dosages for short periods is relatively safe dont get all scared just dont abuse D-bol technically dont run longer than 8 weeks. I have used D-bol plenty of times without any liver issues..

    Test D-bol is still a beginner cycle its safe and get decent gains..

    poppz if your worried about hair loss then don't use steroids there's plenty that cause MALE PATTERN BALDNESS however you have to have a predisposition to it..
    Hey layeazy if you normally run Dbol for eight weeks at a time and have done so several times. What dosage was you using and how long do you have off between 8 week cycles?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    what side effects from test? you mean gaining muscle/and lossing fat. side effects from test can be prevented with an ai.

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