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Thread: blood pressure question =p

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    blood pressure question =p

    ok so normally my bp is 110 over 60, on gear its usually 140 over 80, but the past few days its been 165 over 70 resting pulse is always about 90, anyone know if this is dangerous to work out with? i just did some triceps and chest and checked my bp after every set and it actually changed to about 145-155 over 60-80 with a pulse of 120. this is confusing the **** outta me cuz i thought it was supposed to go up during a work out lol and i know i know, im reducing my doses of my next test cyp injection by alot, i was doing 450mg once every five days im going to split it up 150mg twice a week and see if this helps but im jw if anyone else worksout with high bp like this or knows if its pretty dangerous to do

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    there are lots of things you can do to control blood pressure while on gear.

    One is to donate blood. Its especially helpfull with things like EQ and Anadrol that raise red blood cell count more than usual. Lowering your sodium intake helps. Along with increasing your cardio.

    U can also try taking a baby asprin everyday while you're on cycle. OTC diuretics can also help in some cases, but not recomended for a long term solution.

    Cialis is also approved for the short term relief of high blood pressure and you get a nice 24 sexual boost as well.

  3. #3
    Does results are preety up there r u using a electronic bp monitor they can be very incurate try getting a manual bp reading other wise baby aspirin will not help with bp they are antipyretic anti platelets and antiinflamatory the only thing that i see might help u is otc diurectics otherwise getsome ace inhibiotrs that will help with ur wtaer retention witch is probably the reason why ur bp so highthose need a prescription though be very careful when taking them do not take themm concurrent with cialis they will drop ur bp drasticly reasearch them to find a safe and effective dose

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    yeah it was an electric but a few other people used it and they were at 110-120 mark i used it and i was at the 160-170 lol i ended up sayin **** it and full out worked out and wierdly my systolic went down to 143 while my diastolic went up to 80 something after lifting?(163 and 57 before lifting) and yeah im at week 4 of test cyp so i am getting tons of water retention now, and thanks for the info i was stupid for not researching more on blood pressure before using!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Asprin thins the blood, Increased RBC count thickens the blood. Seems elementary to me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Blood pressure can change from day to day even time to time. I had blood pressure issues after I used clen(which I will never do again) Blood pressure got to 159/97. I went the natural root which was taking celery seed extract and 2g of vitamin c. I monitored it very close and got it down with some simple diet changes with the suppliments stated above. Don't ignore high blood pressure. It affects a lot of things! If concerned then go to a doctor but I would try to natural way first. A good thread on vitamins is here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Bob Marley helped me get my blood pressure down many a times

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    sweet mary jane lol

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