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Thread: Confused as hell with gh and hcg dosage

  1. #1
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    Angry Confused as hell with gh and hcg dosage

    Hey I don't know why I am getting so confused on reading this crap... I have a reli-on 1/2ml cc it holds up to 50 units. 30 gauge 5/16 length insulin needle.. Now if I want to do 4IU's a day of GH what mark is that on my damn syringe !? Also part of my PCT cycle is taking 500IU a day of HCG So where would that number land on my Syringe??? Im frustrated as hell. Please help haha

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Come on slimmer help the man lol

    This is your territory lol.........

  4. #4
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    on an insulin syringe, 4 units is the 40 mark.....but I am confused as to what you really have so make sure to get another I am assuming it has been reconstituted to measure as such
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 02-12-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  5. #5
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    Look i've been doing a lot of reading and math stuff for my major so my brain is fried.... I'm just looking for a lil help with something that normally wouldn't be to hard to figure out I'm sure people have been like that before.

  6. #6
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    ^^^ i am like that right now....On my insulin syringe which went up to 100.....if I wanted 2 units I filled up to the 20 mark...for hgh

  7. #7
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    hahaha oh man

  8. #8
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    i feel your pain bro sometimes we tend to just over think some of the simplest things. it happens

    your question depends on the concentration of your compounds. how did you reconstitute?

    a 1/2 cc/ml slin pin is just that. half of one ml(50units) is the full syringe. so if your hcg is reconstituted to 500iu per ml then 50units on the 1/2cc slin pin would be the equivalent of 250iu of hcg. hope this helps.

    or 25iu per every 5units for clarification this is only if you are reconstituted to 500iu per ml
    Last edited by sixoner; 02-12-2011 at 09:44 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JusLiftIt View Post
    Look i've been doing a lot of reading and math stuff for my major so my brain is fried.... I'm just looking for a lil help with something that normally wouldn't be to hard to figure out I'm sure people have been like that before.
    No worries my friend. You need to know the concentration of the hgh and hcg. For example, is the hgh concentratiion in mgs per ml or iu per ml? Provide that info and we can tell you how much to inject.

    Same for the hcg, you need to know the units per ml.

    If you were given the dry powders for the hcg and hgh let us know how much you have in terms of mgs or units per vial and we can tell you how much bacteriostatic saline to add to the vials, and then how much to inject with your insulin syringes.

    Clear as mud? :-)

    There was a first time for all of us too.

  10. #10
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    Yep so just to give you an example, if your HCG ampoule said that it contained 10,000 iu of HCG and you mixed it with 10ml/cc of bacteriostatic water that would mean that each ml/cc contained 1000iu so to take 500 iu of HCG per shot you would want to draw up 1/2ml/cc of liquid. Most insulin syringes are 1ml or 100 units, however if yours is a 1/2ml/cc or 50 units then you would want to basically fill the entire syringe that is fill it all the way to the 50unit mark.

    The other thing to make sure of is if your HCG comes with dilutent (water) make sure it is bacteriostatic water ( usually its saline water) if its not bacteriostatic water throw it away and get some. The only way your HCG will keep is if its mixed with bacteriostatic water and even then it needs to be refridgerated. By the way I saw in the other thread where you were instructed to use 500ml per day during PCT...This is not the preffered method, you will be better off using it during the cycle at 250iu's twice per week. For a long cycle like yours of 16 wks you would do well do run it for 6 wks at a time during the cycle then take 2 weeks off. So what you would do is run it 2 times per week weeks 2-8 then take a two week break and run it 10-16. This way instead of trying to restart your testicular function at the end of the cycle you will maintain testicular function through the cycle. This approach should make recovery easier which is of course a major concern on a long multicompound cycle like you were instructed to run.

    Also if you run your HCG like this and its 10,000 iu and you dilute it with 10ml of bacteriostatic water then you would only need to run 25 units or 1/4cc/ml this is the most convienent amount to pin in the belly this is why I used 10ml of bac water in my example.

    Good luck,

    Last edited by Far from massive; 02-12-2011 at 10:44 PM.

  11. #11
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    Thanks to all of you guys you have been EXTREMELY helpfull you have no IDEA!
    Far From Massive Thank you very much what you said totally clicked in my head and then what everyone else was saying made sense too.
    Thank you ALL!

  12. #12
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    note: just make sure to inject around the belly....not in the belly button but about 2"'s away from it....too many capillaries inside the belly buttton

  13. #13
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    Good point SlimmerMe,

    The other day when you posted that I spilled my water...I got this sudden vision of someone sticking the needle in at a 45° angle and the HCG dribbling out their belly button...

  14. #14
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    WHAAAAAATTTT????? Ya well FFM That Deffinately is a horrible vision haha yea im sure the closer you'd get to the belly button the more tender the area around it would get rite? So stay broader out. Slimmerme or FFM, Should I constantly be hitting different areas around my stomach when I inject?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JusLiftIt View Post
    WHAAAAAATTTT????? Ya well FFM That Deffinately is a horrible vision haha yea im sure the closer you'd get to the belly button the more tender the area around it would get rite? So stay broader out. Slimmerme or FFM, Should I constantly be hitting different areas around my stomach when I inject?
    You can circle the belly button like a clock and there are other areas too...
    I did glutes ( looking in the mirror to see better ) and my knee when it hurt....

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    SlimmerMe, I have heard of injecting in the glute but I must say thats deffinately a first for the whole knee thing, that's really interesting, So counter clock wise around the belly button that sounds great! (Just not To clossseee!)

  18. #18
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    ^^^ does not have to be counter clock wise...any direction will do....just giving a visual around the belly since in the same spot, it could become a bit irritating to your skin. Yep, my knee hurt so much so I gave it a little shot! And I think it helped.

    Good luck to you.

  19. #19
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    hahahhaha Well that's cool a little shot to the knee.
    Has anyone ever had a problem with like there skin getting tougher or thicker in there injection areas at all?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JusLiftIt View Post
    hahahhaha Well that's cool a little shot to the knee.
    Has anyone ever had a problem with like there skin getting tougher or thicker in there injection areas at all?
    yes....a bit tougher and thicker and sometimes a bit itchy.....hence why to alternate. Have you ever read any of BJJ's logs? You will see he injects all over the place. His logs are scientific mathematical wizardry.

  21. #21
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    Oh well then I will forsure read his logs!
    Thank ya!

  22. #22
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    Hi I wanna to tell you that i was injecting pure HGH for 3years because i was having some Height Problems 700Iu of Genotropin for 3months (Phizer Company) and i was injecting them in the Arm not intramuscular just little down from shoulders or at the Belly and it doesnt hurt at all! i got some spare stuff of 1000iu too atm!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TjmAble View Post
    Hi I wanna to tell you that i was injecting pure HGH for 3years because i was having some Height Problems 700Iu of Genotropin for 3months (Phizer Company) and i was injecting them in the Arm not intramuscular just little down from shoulders or at the Belly and it doesnt hurt at all! i got some spare stuff of 1000iu too atm!
    Say what?

  24. #24
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    Im Just saying it isnt a must to do the injection at the kneecaps you can also do it just a bit lower from the shoulder on your arm or just in the Belly for less pain...! and yes i got some spare Stuff since i stopped the HGH (Genotropin from Phizer) they just keep giving some HGH cause they didnt care about nothing just so they can take the Cash from our you know how its called Health insurance you know what im talking about and bro trust me each ambule costs 320euro in Greece which have inside 36IU of pure HGH and i was taking them for free(Amazing Luck) and i have like 32ampules of 36iu Each!

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