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Thread: Keeping Your Gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle

    Keeping Your Gains?

    How much of your size gains do you typically keep after pct? For example, a month after pct is complete, how much are you up on the scale from the day you started your cycle? Also, how does your body composition differ? I ask this because you can't strictly go with numbers on the scale. With test, you can drop fat and gain muscle, thus drastically improving your appearance, but only giving you a few lbs on the scale.

    Seeing the "getting off aas sucks" post had me thinking about keeping gains and I didn't want to hijack his thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    I've never not kept some gains.
    I usually lose some strength and water weight but I retain a good bit of muscle after.

  3. #3
    I actually gained 2 lbs. after going "off". The reason for this was I had a minor ligament tear in my knee(MCL) just as I was starting the cycle, so I wasn't able to train legs. It had healed in 2 mo. so I started training legs and I gained size in them. All I was on was HCG for 3 weeks. I had noticeable increase in thigh size. Hmmn! maybe I don't need to use AAS after all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I keep all of my gains, but that's because I stay on year round now. I cruise in between cycles on 250 test e/wk.

    On previous cycles that included PCT, strength always seemed easier to maintain than muscle for me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    What about the rest of you guys? Assuming diet is in check, training is correct, and everything is done correctly with the cycle and pct, how satisfied were you with what was retained. I know with orals it is almost impossible to hold onto muscle gains. When I ran Mdrol, I went from feeling huge to feeling very deflated in a short period of time. Strength gains were def made, but the size and pump was completely lost. I am just hoping the drop off isn't nearly as severe after pct as it was taking Mdrol. Feel free to share your own experiences.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick_J8 View Post
    I keep all of my gains, but that's because I stay on year round now. I cruise in between cycles on 250 test e/wk.

    On previous cycles that included PCT, strength always seemed easier to maintain than muscle for me.
    wow!! Do u rest between cycles?? Or is it just a continuous dosage every week all year round??

    I have done a sus250 8 week cycle and put on 10 kilos.. Finished in December and I have only lost 2kgs of that..
    still have the same definition just lost the water..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    north america
    ^^HA! i wondered the same! waitin t' see how this turns out...

  8. #8
    im a week removed from pct, havent lost a pound, strength, fullness, yeah, but still holding weight

    i maintain cals, lower the training volume, torem pct with daa 6g ed, and vitamin c for anti-cort (i couldnt afford the endoamp, works too)

    this has always worked for me...i may try ostarine next time tho

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