Hello I'm 19 years old, got approximately 3 years experience in the bodybuilding, 176cm tall, 81kg, relatively low %bf maybe 12-13, got few cycles behind my back. So now i'll make a spring AAS cycle for lean mass & maximal reduce the rest of my fat.
1-6 tren hexa (parabolan) - 1st shot 200mg(frontload) then 100mg EOD
1-8 test prop 100mg EOD
1-8 oral winny 50mg ED
1-4 oral tbol 40mg ED
1-8 proviron 50mg ED
2-8 pregnyl 250UI E3D
PCT: 9-14 tamoxifen (10 days 40mg ED then 20mg ED)
9-14 clomid (1st day 200mg, then 9 days 100mg, then 50mg ED)
*1-14 LDN 1.5mg ED
1-8 Bromocriptin 2.5mg ED
Got a lot of supplements for the cycle & after him:
8kg. Protein Isolate
3kg. Protein Matrix (5 components)
1000tabs whey amino acids, 1000mg each
1kg BCAA
1kg Glutamin
1kg Creatin monohydrat & 1 package Kre-Alkalyn
Multivitamin Complex
Taurine, Melatonine
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12
Folic acid, Omega 3, Flaxseed oil, ALA, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Selen, Chrom, Vanadyl sulfate, Tribulus & Sylimarin
My workouts: 1-chest & abs 2-back 3-shoulders,trapezium & abs 4-arms 5-day off, then repeat the same split to the end of the cycle. I'll do HIIT Cardio after each workout for 20mins
I think the diet is most important so i'll take about 3600kkal -> 360g protein, 400g carbs, 60g fat
I'll appreciate any corrections & advices on my cycle, do you think i could achieve my goals![]()