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Thread: Clen before,after or during.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Clen before,after or during.

    Should clen be ran before a cycle,during a cycle or after....which is more effective

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    a couple buddies of mine at the gym who use aas and clen all say its best to use post cycle to lose fat from the excess calories and the anti-catabolic effect

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by brolic272 View Post
    a couple buddies of mine at the gym who use aas and clen all say its best to use post cycle to lose fat from the excess calories and the anti-catabolic effect
    Ive used clen 4 weeks after my post cycle. weight had stabilized. I lost 12 pounds and a lot of strength in 5 days. i catabolised like if i took cortisol really depends on the individual

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Ive used clen 4 weeks after my post cycle. weight had stabilized. I lost 12 pounds and a lot of strength in 5 days. i catabolised like if i took cortisol really depends on the individual
    what was your dosing protocol? what other compounds were you running in conjunction with the clenbuteral? I have heard people report little to no effect from clen but i had not heard of anyone saying that it made them lose any strength or make them catabolic

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    There are some very good clen sitcky's around this forum, have a look, or do a search.

  6. #6
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    Sulixe, what was your diet looking like when u lost all the strength. Perhaps you weren't eating quite enough or maybe it was just strength lost because you were coming off cycle? Or do you believe it was from the Clen?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    So I should take it after?

  8. #8
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    some people use clen to aid in loss of body fat.. this can be beneficial previous to a cycle.

    some people take clen during a cycle I don't really understand the theory behind it personally and i can honestly say that i don't ever plan on doing it. through experience some guys seem to find a use for it during a cycle so they go with it.

    after a cycle some people like to use it to assist in maintaining gains.

    depends on what you want to do need to answer that question for yourself. do you have any personal experience with clenbuteral? this answer in and of its self would help you decide or others to help you out a bit better

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I run it during my PCT. I have never ran it on a cycle, but all my cycles have been for bulking.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    some people use clen to aid in loss of body fat.. this can be beneficial previous to a cycle.

    some people take clen during a cycle I don't really understand the theory behind it personally and i can honestly say that i don't ever plan on doing it. through experience some guys seem to find a use for it during a cycle so they go with it.

    after a cycle some people like to use it to assist in maintaining gains.

    depends on what you want to do need to answer that question for yourself. do you have any personal experience with clenbuteral? this answer in and of its self would help you decide or others to help you out a bit better
    Hey man appreciate the help...I plan on to lose some body fat...Im having a hard time getting cut and ive been busting my ass doin cardio and hittin the diet....Im in the middle of a cycle right now and was debating on doing clen after this current cycle or before my summer cycle...Having a hard time desciding..If i was to start it up after this current cycle do i wait for my pct to be over or start it up during pct?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift View Post
    Sulixe, what was your diet looking like when u lost all the strength. Perhaps you weren't eating quite enough or maybe it was just strength lost because you were coming off cycle? Or do you believe it was from the Clen?
    i had started cutting diet 3 weeks after pct. weight had stabilized at 200 lbs and i was repping 235 on bench for 10 times. i cut like 1 lb naturally in 1 week, without any strength loss then jumped on clen. diet was the same as it was during the first week of natural cutting (300 prot 100 carb 50-100 fats). after 5 days of shaking and feeling like the world`s gonna fall on my head i weighed up at 188 and i could rep 225 6 times on a good day. Threw the bottle to garbage and switched back to maintenance diet. weight instantly re-stabilised at 190

    Maybe the clen just wasn't good quality. it said 300 mcg/pill on the bottle. i was like Holy shit wtf. First day took half a pill to gauge. no effects. The day after i took a full pill. started shaking a little. I ramped up to 2 pills, i believe my clen was underdosed and pills were max 20-30mcg per pill. Nasty stuff.

    Im gonna give it another go after this cycle, i bought it from ar-r this time as you guys say its good stuff.

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