Dentures generally require a denture cream to attach to an individual's gums. A new lawsuit has been filed towards the makers of Fixodent. The original research was done by an ABC News investigation. The allegation is that Procter & Gamble knew that Fixodent could cause paralysis and did not warn consumers of the risk. Source for this article -Fixodent lawsuit claims cream could cause nerve damage by
Damage to nerves can happen with fixodent
Zinc poisoning was being connected to denture product in 2006 by University of TX researchers. Zinc poisoning can cause numbness, paralysis, muscle weakness and loss of sensation. The zinc in Fixodent sits towards the gums, often all day each day. It is hard for the absorption of copper to happen when the zinc gets leaked to the bloodstream. The study was submitted for peer review and publishing by the University of TX researchers and nothing happened.
Dr. Kenneth Shay in legal action against Fixodent
The lawsuit claiming Fixodent cream is dangerous names Dr. Kenneth Shay as partially at fault. Zinc poisoning and Fixodent was linked in a 2007 study which is what Dr. Shay was given a copy of. Essential information was left out by the doctor though. This was the idea that Proctor & Gamble paid him as a consultant. Procter & Gamble, Fixodent’s makers, got the unpublished study passed to them as Dr. Shay didn’t review or return the study.
Symptoms of zinc poisoning
Fixodent and Super Poly Grip are both denture creams that contain high amounts of zinc. A small warning was put on the box with the linking of paralysis and denture product in 2008. Customers weren’t being protected by the company according to the Fixodent legal action. It also states that the business knew the dangers before the study was even done. The zinc in denture creams is dangerous usually only when used in large amounts.
Articles cited
NY Times