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Thread: New member!! Experianced guidance Needed!

  1. #1

    New member!! Experianced guidance Needed!

    How yall doing? This is my first post and I am here for one reason, to seek advice regarding my first cycle. I am 22 years old, been working out and eating correctly for 2 years straight. I stand 5 foot 10 and weigh 195 pounds with 8% bf. I am seriously thinking about starting a cycle, I am in japan with no one to look up to for advice and guidance so I am worried I will do so incorrectly and damage my body, so I am resorting to internet forums.

    First off, a good begginers steroid? second, where can I get it, is the internet a possibility? Basically I would like an experianced member to dedicate some of his time to walk me through this. thank you.

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You are too young. The damage you can do to yourself could be great. Visit the diet section and do some research. You can gain so much from your natural test.

  3. #3
    damn, I thought I had finished growing already, Im definetly not getting any taller.

  4. #4
    It's the growing that going on inside of you. Your natural hormones could still be developing or rather, haven't stabilized in your body. Taking synthetic hormones could affect your natural hormones permanently. Why take a chance? You're young, you still have time to maximize your natural potential before you cycle.

  5. #5
    Ok, I might hold off then if thats what you guys think. Im open to listen to people who know what its all about. I read Arnold had done steroids when he was 15!? dont know if thats true or not, and I have had friends in the states my age do it. What age did you guys start and when do you think I should start?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by a_bau22 View Post
    Ok, I might hold off then if thats what you guys think. Im open to listen to people who know what its all about. I read Arnold had done steroids when he was 15!? dont know if thats true or not, and I have had friends in the states my age do it. What age did you guys start and when do you think I should start?
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah we hear that all the time. Do you think you have Arnolds natural genetics? 1 in about 2 million do. There are also still a lot of kids who are 15 that do them and they are fine, until they get a little older and realize they have libido issues and develop other medical problems that they never correlate to the aas abuse when younger.

    Agreed, your body is far from being done growing, developing and your hormones are still in unstable. By doing anything now you risk the chance of long term damage. some might be mild, some more severe. It's not something to jump into lightly.

    You can grow just as much if you focus on diet and training as most kids who use AAS but the difference is once they stop the aas they loose 80 - 100% of what they gained, many have severe acne, have libido issues and develope gyno (b*tch tits). Sound like fun?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by a_bau22 View Post
    Ok, I might hold off then if thats what you guys think. Im open to listen to people who know what its all about. I read Arnold had done steroids when he was 15!? dont know if thats true or not, and I have had friends in the states my age do it. What age did you guys start and when do you think I should start?
    I´m 42, and thinking of doing my first cycle...hehe...can u wait 20 more years? :-)
    For some reason I put on some nice mass around my late 20´s, early 30´s...don´t know why...heard of others doing the same around those years. If you screw with AAS now, you may not have that opportunity.
    Last year, I played around with some Testogel. Stuff u rub on your shoulders. Guys here will laugh at it, but it probably raised my Test level from a tired 42 year old to a healthy young Buck like yourself. I got some great results! Guys in the gym actually asked "What are you on", with the AAS smirk on their face.
    Hold off AAS for a few years. Wish I had your hormone levels!!

  8. #8
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    arnold also has a ton of heart problems.
    Quote Originally Posted by a_bau22 View Post
    Ok, I might hold off then if thats what you guys think. Im open to listen to people who know what its all about. I read Arnold had done steroids when he was 15!? dont know if thats true or not, and I have had friends in the states my age do it. What age did you guys start and when do you think I should start?

  9. #9
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    Arnold's heart problems were a genetic defect that he was born with, congenital heart issues, nothing steroids could cause.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    I´m 42, and thinking of doing my first cycle...hehe...can u wait 20 more years? :-)
    For some reason I put on some nice mass around my late 20´s, early 30´s...don´t know why...heard of others doing the same around those years. If you screw with AAS now, you may not have that opportunity.
    Last year, I played around with some Testogel. Stuff u rub on your shoulders. Guys here will laugh at it, but it probably raised my Test level from a tired 42 year old to a healthy young Buck like yourself. I got some great results! Guys in the gym actually asked "What are you on", with the AAS smirk on their face.
    Hold off AAS for a few years. Wish I had your hormone levels!!
    The test gel did exactly what it is supposed to do due to you having low test levels but it does very little in regards or compared to a cycle unless you take a bath in it every day. LOL

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    The test gel did exactly what it is supposed to do due to you having low test levels but it does very little in regards or compared to a cycle unless you take a bath in it every day. LOL

    ouch imagine the e2 and dht conversion on that! :O

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    ouch imagine the e2 and dht conversion on that! :O
    Yes, like I said, Test in the mid/high range.
    But Estrogen and DHT off the top of the scale,,,something like this: Estro 0.19 (0.06-0.14) and DHT 3.59 (0.90-3.10)

    Why is that?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Why is that? (Use of Testogel)

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