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Thread: Advice/experience using 250mg Sus Pw and 400mg of EQ Pw

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Talking Advice/experience using 250mg Sus Pw and 400mg of EQ Pw

    Hey guys,

    I am going to do my second course, my first course was 500mg test only for 8 weeks and i gained about 20lbs, this was about a year ago now. For my second course i wanted to do 250mg of sus along with 400mg of EQ. I just wondered if anyone had any opinions/experiences on the course, is 400mg of EQ a week enough, i will be running for 12 weeks (or should i run longer?) Also, after my first course i run a nolva ONLY PCT 100/80/40/20 and did keep some of my gains, would you think nolva ony is OK for this course or should i add some clomid as well?

    Ive been trainging about 2 years now and i currently weigh about 180 pounds. I dont to bulk up massivly i just want to look lean and ripped.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    You should run more test then 250 per week Unless you meant 250 twice a week. As far as your eq 400 is ok but most people on here will tell you 600 is the sweet spot. I am currently running 500 of eq and 500 test e and anavar at 60 mg Ed. Only in my third week so still waiting for the test and eq to kick in. Your pct will need to have both Nolva and clomid for sure!! Go to the pct thread and read and read then read some more. I have learned more off this site in one year then in all of my using life. There are some people on here that genuinely care about you and your safety, so take what they say seriously they know what there talking about! You should also post your bf%.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Also you should run that Cycle for at least 14 weeks, eq takes some time to kick in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks for the reply.

    I will have a look at the thread, the only reason i wanted to run 250mg pw of test was to keep the bloat down as much as possible and try to keep as much of what i do gain as possible.... I might consider using a test E and EQ blend that i can get, this would mean 500mg of test and 400mg of Eq Pw. Is there any reason why you say use more test than 250mg Pw..

    I have spent some time looking through the forums, but opinions still seem to be very mixed on everything!

    Thanks alot

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ya your gonna get that,I feel the same way about the conflicting advice. As for the sust 250mg is fine I personally would just do more (more test the better) just make sure you split up the pins at least twice a week that will get your levels in check. Keeping your gains will have a lot to do with your body and pct. Some people hold on to gains better then others. Maybe try some hcg in your cycle to keep the nads going that will help with recovery or try some anavar at the end of your cycle. I'm sure some more expirencend members will chime in with some good advice. Without rambling on there is alot of Options what I would do is read and ask questions and get your cycle dialed in BEFORE you start it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    A nolva only PCT for this "course" is not sufficient. I would absolutely add some clomid!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    250mg's will be ok if you plan on letting the "other" compound do the work but your other compound sucks lol. EQ is a waste of money and syringe space in my opinion. You'll be better off by using 400mg's test and nothing else...... then use nolva/clomid for pct.

    Look into anti-e's to help control your bloat. Keep sodium to a minimum and drink plenty of water.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    If your running for 12 weeks for sure that at getting some hcg on hand...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks for all your replies, i really appriciate it!

    hazard - have you used Eq then and didnt rate it, one of the main reasons i choose Eq was because i guy at my gym rated it highly and he was it very good shape and from research seems its one of the best for keeping gains?

    Bigdogg - Think i will try get hold of some hcg, and also definatly agree i want to find out as much as possible before i start, dont like messing around with stuff like this!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gtgb View Post
    Thanks for all your replies, i really appriciate it!

    hazard - have you used Eq then and didnt rate it, one of the main reasons i choose Eq was because i guy at my gym rated it highly and he was it very good shape and from research seems its one of the best for keeping gains?

    Bigdogg - Think i will try get hold of some hcg, and also definatly agree i want to find out as much as possible before i start, dont like messing around with stuff like this!

    Honestly..... you need to try it out for yourself to know. I used it for 12+ weeks at 1000mg's/day and didn't like it. IMHO it's not good for muscle building. Some guys like it for hunger, for vascularity, it hardens others...... i'm not interested in any of that. I'm not going to put a compound into me thats not going to help me reach my goals. Let me phrase it like this..... What little I get from EQ - I can get 2x more from other compounds.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks alot for your input, im thinking now of running 400mg test per week (as i can get some T-400) along with the 400mg of EQ and see how i get on with that. I will run for 12 - 14 weeks followed by a nolva AND colmid PCT.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gtgb View Post
    Thanks alot for your input, im thinking now of running 400mg test per week (as i can get some T-400) along with the 400mg of EQ and see how i get on with that. I will run for 12 - 14 weeks followed by a nolva AND colmid PCT.

    hmmm well..... here's what i'm thinking.....

    Either run 250 test with 400 EQ and see what that EQ can do for you or run 400mg's test by itself. You don't want to up the test AND run EQ because you wont truely be able to say what the EQ did for you..... and the EQ debate shall continue with one more warrior lol


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Good shout haz.... that is what I will do, 250 test it is! Seems as though some people have loved the EQ and other haven't, like you said, I will have to find out for myself.

    I will for sure let you know how I get on!

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