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Thread: Ok I'm a massive noob.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Cool Ok I'm a massive noob.

    So I've got my hands on some Test Suspension 100.

    Stats are -
    •23 years old
    •80kg (not sure what that is in lbs)

    what I want to know is - is it worth doing?

    I know I haven't maxxed out my natural gains by a long shot, but I want to cheat I guess and speed up the process.

    I'll be doing an 8 wk cycle if I go ahead with it (50mg a day). I'm still researching PCT.

    Not looking to get massive, just a bit bigger. I am planning to continue naturally after.

    Going to go to doctors tomorrow aswell for a full check up, anything I should ask to check specifically?

    Any feed back is appreciated.

  2. #2
    test s is very painfull mate and needs injecting every day even twice a day some say ,its not ideal for your 1st and all that pinning wil be a pain in the ass(no pun intended lol)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    80kg's is only 176lbs, so you are pretty small for being 5'11". My advice is to save the susp for another y4ear after you have been in the diet forum and got your eating figured out cuz that is where your issue is, not your hormones.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yeah I've Read that it's painful, but apart from that it's pretty good stuff yeah?

    Yeah I need to sort my diet out too.

    Maybe a stupid question, but what would happen of I did one injection of it, basically to see how painful it is? (guy I know would let me do have some of his).

    I've been reading all I can and talked to people on it. I really don't wanna jump into something I'm not prepared for...

    I'm sorry for asking some stupid questions here, just trying to collect info and prepare myself if I go ahead

    so here's another stupid question, if I do it, and say don't go as hard as I can and don't eat ridiculously well, will I still see substantial gains? I'm guessing I will but I obviously won't get the most out of it. I do shift work (12 hours night shift and dayshift) and sometimes it's hard to get to the gym or to eat really well.

    Thanks guys for the input so far

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    You need to spend sometime building a better foundation, exploit what you have naturally before introducing such suppressive componds....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #6
    what are the consequences other than some pain for taking steroids before going to the max naturally? I also want to get quicker results. Want to get a little built before a certain time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dinocity View Post
    what are the consequences other than some pain for taking steroids before going to the max naturally? I also want to get quicker results. Want to get a little built before a certain time.
    I'll do my best to answer this.....

    Lets say you are 175lbs and you start a cycle. At the 3month mark you are ready to come off and start pct..... your current weight is..... lets just ay 200lbs. This is assuming that you ate enough to gain 15lbs of LBM with soem fat and water retention. Ok so..... you just shut down your bodies own testosterone production by introducing exogeneous test. You want to try to restore it with PCT so you take your nolva/clomid. Without having a proper "base" or "foundation" your body will have a hard time holding onto those 15lbs. Plus your testosterone levels will be in the dirt for a couple weeks atleast...... which will only make it even harder to hold the weight. All in all..... it would suck to be 175..... then get to 200..... and end up at 170lbs because you didn't have a good foundation or because your body didn't recover as well as you thought it would.

    Hope this helps.....


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    what are the goals are you looking to get larger or just want to harden out?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 260 View Post
    Yeah I need to sort my diet out too.

    so here's another stupid question, if I do it, and say don't go as hard as I can and don't eat ridiculously well, will I still see substantial gains? I'm guessing I will but I obviously won't get the most out of it. I do shift work (12 hours night shift and dayshift) and sometimes it's hard to get to the gym or to eat really well.
    Regardless of all other information presented, based on that statement and question, you are a long way away from anabolic steroid use. Plus listen to what Hazard said.

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