I started using steroids December 5th 2010. To be honest I didn't know shit about them.. Just wanted to get big and had buddy's that were doing it. competing with them was all the mattered.
When I started I read very little... In-fact I didn't even have a plan... Just new i needed some kind of steroid, and some kind of PCT...
I decided to buy DECA (Thaiger) 250mg/1ml - 10 ml Bottle
I also bought TESTOSTERONE-E 250 mg/1ml - 10 ml Bottle
along with my post NOLVADEX 20 mg - 30 tablets
I read in many places that this was a great mix... But probably not the best for a first cycle... and my Post Cycle Therapy was not quite complete, but I didn't care...
I started out shooting very little out of syringes that were not even big enough.
Insulin syringe...
(was scared because I didn't know enough)
For the first month I would only inject about 50mg of both into me...
Ofc I did notice a little but not as much as I wanted too... so what did I do?
Upped the dosage ofc. I was now at 250mg if not more for over 2 months, was injecting this twice a week.
Before I knew it I was looking good, felt great! Gained close to 15lb, Until my estrogen levels skyrocketed... I was getting emotional... not to mention experiencing some tenderness in my nipples. (lucky for me I was doing more and more research from the paranoia)
NOLVADEX 20 mg was my PCT, but I had read (from many who helped me) that it would help with the nips and help prevent gyno.
I am now reading as much as I can as I try to get my levels back to normal, and get off of my weird Deca, Test E schedule.
Ordering proper PCT such as CLOMID 50 mg, to get my boys back in order, along with my NOLVADEX.
I write this not to get told that I'm a Noob... But just to say I could have avoided all the issues if I just did more research. Could have gained much more weight and not lost as much as I have, and saved a lot of money! Hope those who are just deciding to start steroids take my advice and read, read, read... It will make your Steroid experience much more enjoyable.