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  1. #1
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Opinions on Test only cycles

    I told myself that i would only do 2-3 cycles but i realize thats not going to happen. I'm 26 and already have 2 cycles under my belt. I'm most likely going to do a few cycles so i want to do a few "healthy" ones before i have to jump into compounds such as Tren .

    My question is what gains can i expect from running something like a gram of test a week or even more? I was thinking of running Test E at 1 gram a week for 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off (or longer) until i need something more powerful. This would be fairly cheap and probably easy to maintain. What are your guy's opinions on Test only cycles?

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    thats a lot of test.. any reason you wouldn't just stack a smaller dose with something else like EQ or Deca ??

  3. #3
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    thats a lot of test.. any reason you wouldn't just stack a smaller dose with something else like EQ or Deca??
    Yes ive thought of that but i like the idea of 8 week cycles. I seem to stop gaining after about 8 weeks.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Way to much.You are wasting it.You wont get any more off 500 than you will 1000mgs if you dont need it.Anyone can and will tell you this.

  5. #5
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Test only cycles are great...... all you honstly REALLY need is test. I wouldn't jump up to a gram f test a week just yet..... keep it low until you NEED to go up in dosage. Keep tweaking the diet and change up your routine...... you'll still make progress.

    Reed is a great example of not going with high dosages and he's a brick shithouse......

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  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    What were your previous doses and the gains you made??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    I have tried several different compounds and they worked very well but i seem to get just as much on test only cycles. A lot of times people are convinced they need more to grow. Don't get me wrong, I like trying new things to see how they work for me but I'm very happy with test only

  8. #8
    dblock521 is offline New Member
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    im about to run a test c only cycle. ive read alot on this forum...mabey too much because with different opions and such im wondering if what im gonna run is gonna be beneficial.... some insight would be great.
    wks 1-4. 200mgs/wk
    wks 5-8 400mgs/wk
    wks 9-12 200mgs/wk

  9. #9
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastablasta7 View Post
    I told myself that i would only do 2-3 cycles but i realize thats not going to happen. I'm 26 and already have 2 cycles under my belt. I'm most likely going to do a few cycles so i want to do a few "healthy" ones before i have to jump into compounds such as Tren .

    My question is what gains can i expect from running something like a gram of test a week or even more? I was thinking of running Test E at 1 gram a week for 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off (or longer) until i need something more powerful. This would be fairly cheap and probably easy to maintain. What are your guy's opinions on Test only cycles?
    I agree with the idea of running short cycles. But 1 gram a week and only taking 8 weeks off?? Isn't time off supposed to equal time on + PCT? So if your cycle is 8 weeks, shouldn't your time off be at least 12 weeks? How much test did you run during your last cycle? Just wondering how you are justifying using 1gram of test a week for your next cycle. Seems like suicide to me.

  10. #10
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am thinking along the same lines, test is great on its own. just depends on how much you have ran before.

  11. #11
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    What about try say sus250 at 500mg 3 different tests my give you that kick you need...

  12. #12
    big_ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    What about try say sus250 at 500mg 3 different tests my give you that kick you need...
    The way i see it, test is test. Kick in times wont make a differenct, as you judge your cycle length on the ester attached. thats just me

  13. #13
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I don't know what kind of test cycles you have run in the past but if you have run a long ester for 10-12 weeks (say Test cyp or enan at 500 a week) You may be really suprized with how much growth you will see running a Test Prop cycle say at 600 for 8 wks. Because the Prop is a shorter ester it will take up less space so you will actually be getting a fair amount more MG for MG compared to Cyp or Enan but the main difference will be pinning daily your blood levels will always be high and (This last part has been my experience others may disagree) your gains will start by the end of the first week and begin working well by the end of week 2. This gives you 6 solid wks of growth.

    If you have not run a short ester cycle before, I would suggest you try a short (6-8wk) one at say 20% more than you last cycle and see what kind of gains you see before you commit to running a gram of a long ester. Remember if you start to aromatize with a high dose of a long ester test its going to take a while to rectify the situation negating gains.

    Footnote: 8 wks is a short time for a long ester and although you can try to frnt load or just run a massive quantity to overcome this its best left to those with lots of experience, a 6-8 wk cycle with Prop is a lot more practical.

  14. #14
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I don't know what kind of test cycles you have run in the past but if you have run a long ester for 10-12 weeks (say Test cyp or enan at 500 a week) You may be really suprized with how much growth you will see running a Test Prop cycle say at 600 for 8 wks. Because the Prop is a shorter ester it will take up less space so you will actually be getting a fair amount more MG for MG compared to Cyp or Enan but the main difference will be pinning daily your blood levels will always be high and (This last part has been my experience others may disagree) your gains will start by the end of the first week and begin working well by the end of week 2. This gives you 6 solid wks of growth.

    If you have not run a short ester cycle before, I would suggest you try a short (6-8wk) one at say 20% more than you last cycle and see what kind of gains you see before you commit to running a gram of a long ester. Remember if you start to aromatize with a high dose of a long ester test its going to take a while to rectify the situation negating gains.

    Footnote: 8 wks is a short time for a long ester and although you can try to frnt load or just run a massive quantity to overcome this its best left to those with lots of experience, a 6-8 wk cycle with Prop is a lot more practical.
    I was thinking of this exact same thing. A buddy of mine who no longer juices just told me today that he had amazing gains with short test prop cycles and he said he maintained virtually all of his gains off it and PCT was a breeze. I may give this a shot soon.

    Ive been off the juice now for almost 4 months. I think im going to take off another month or two before cycling again. Im most likely going to do short 6-8week prop cycles and take off about 3 months in between. Once the gear is no longer as effective then ill start adding compounds.

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