I have had a prescription to Adderall 20mg since I can remember. I take it only during school months otherwise I cant focus. Since this semester just started I just started taking it again.
Should I be concerned with taking Adderall while on juice?
I have had a prescription to Adderall 20mg since I can remember. I take it only during school months otherwise I cant focus. Since this semester just started I just started taking it again.
Should I be concerned with taking Adderall while on juice?
I would not worry to much about it. As long as the dosage is kept at a therapeutic level and you are a level headed individual you will be fine. Of course if you use it too avoid sleep then yes you will likely act irrationally, not to mention your gains will suffer.
Some anti amphetimine and anti steroid groups like to say its dangerous. They site a study where the usage of amphetamines and steroids caused hostile aggression in rats. Of course they will not bother mentioning that the speed as well as the Deca were both administered in dosages far exceeding normal levels its not hard to imagine a jacked up rat wired out of its tiny brain acting hostile LOL F-ing scientists
you'll be fine. I take 20mg adderall while on cycle, just dont take it too late so you can sleep. and it may even help you out in the gym with energy lol
would taking a similar ADD medication like vyvanse for a while down-regulate the beta receptors needed for a 2 week cycle of clen? im off the vyvanse now but on 100mcg of ar-r clen and the sides are still fairly modest...
As long as you're not abusing the adderall, the only thing I can see might come up as an issue would be it's effect on your appetite. But I know a few people who take it and eat like horses.
just a litle note:
ive had 2 friends while on mild aas cycle just in the past year suffer from major anxiety attacks they were both laid up a couple of weeks with time off work for blood work at the doctors. that being said i personally cant vouch for how much they took or what they were using it for, im sure the above gentlemen are for more knowledgable than i.
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