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Thread: Winnine EOD

  1. #1
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    Winnine EOD

    Is it possible to get results from taking only winstrol eod for 6-8 weeks? I need to cut some fat and gain more strength. I'm not looking for any huge gains at all.

  2. #2
    Extreme's Avatar
    Extreme is offline Associate Member
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    I would not recommend running it longet than 6 weeks it is hard on the liver. I love whinny great strength gains and hardens my muscles. I would throw in some eod injects of prop with it though better results.

  3. #3
    Billmister's Avatar
    Billmister is offline Member
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    EOD of test prop with winny sounds good. FIna would also be good. What's your stats?

  4. #4
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    10% body fat

    Have never taken any steroids before and want to take something that i won't get huge gains from. Just want to lose some body fat, increase strength and speed.

  5. #5
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Winny doesn't burn fat.
    Diet and cardio does that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Agreed with baraso. Winny DOES NOT burn fat. Its an excellent muscle hardener so it appears that your losing fat. Cardio burns fat the best first thing in the A.M. on an empty stomach. Winny is awesome for some lean keepable gains. I include it in all my cycles because of the great pump I get from it. I would suggest not running it for more than 6wks and take 50mg/ED. You'll be happier with your results. Keep up on the cardio annd eat clean. Good luck.

  7. #7
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    Also make sure your taking a liver protectant along with it as winny is a little heptoxic. Take some milk thistle, ALA, glutamine, etc.

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    If you are doing a little cycle (winny only) I would suggest the best winny and in this case it would be zambons. My buddy did a winny only just to get strength up and his exact quote was I have alot of respect for winstrol zambon. So what I am saying is if you add something of course it would be better but you can make good gains with winny only just make sure you lower calories, diet+train+cardio do the max

  9. #9
    Rich8888's Avatar
    Rich8888 is offline Member
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    Bro....Winny is best run ED....why don't you run it everyday?

  10. #10
    PimpN8ez's Avatar
    PimpN8ez is offline Junior Member
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    I am running 50mg winny eod for 8weeks with 80mg Tren eod and sus @ 300mgx1wk and 200mg test prop twice a week. I take 1000mg Milk thistle ed and drank alot cranbarry juice. I love the gains so far for being low doesed!

  11. #11
    chinups Guest
    Yea but you are running other shit with the winnies so it is hard to tell what is doing what....

  12. #12
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    If I take winnie ed, wouldn't this be hard on the liver? I was always told to take winnie every other day for no longer than 8 weeks.

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    Just cut it down to 6 weeks and do it everyday. I have known plenty of people doing that. Do you do anything that is bad for liver (drinking) and is this your first cycle. Take milk thistle and ALA for liver and you'll be fine..

  14. #14
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    yea i drink but maybe twice a month at the most. I am stopping a month prior to taking winnie. I have never taken a cycle before so I wanna start out small, nothing big at all. So u think I should ALA and milk thistle together when i am taking winnie?

  15. #15
    chinups Guest
    If you are doing winny only I would do it every day for 6-8 weeks and def. take milk thistle. Glucosmine and water should help the joints. I wouldn't drink anything.

    I am doing winny 6-8 weeks 50 mg eod, injectection zambons. I may add something but I am not sure yet, I also want to start light.

  16. #16
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    How do you feel about drinking the injections as opposed to shooting them? I've heard mixed feelings about this just wondering what u think.

  17. #17
    chinups Guest
    If you are afraid of shooting I would say drinking is fine but injections are much better from what everyone says but you can drink. If you do EOD I would shoot if you do ED then drink one and shoot another.

  18. #18
    Fallwarrior19 is offline New Member
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    But if I were to drink the injections, it wouldn't affect my liver anymore than injecting, would it? Thanks for all your help bro.

  19. #19
    chinups Guest
    They say that it has to go through liver twice so it is twice has hard. Just shoot it every other day. They say if you drink it it takes away so in my eyes drinking everyday or shooting every other shooting every other is better. Plus I my boy shot winny every other day and had great gains. By no means did he get gigantic gains but modest first time gains.

    Bottom line is shoot zambons and take liver protectant. If you eat right and train the rest will fall in place. O yea cardio too

  20. #20
    GandolfReturns is offline Junior Member
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    Where can you find Milk Thistle?

    What is it exactly?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by GandolfReturns
    Where can you find Milk Thistle?

    What is it exactly?
    The herb milk thistle is believed to stimulate the production of new liver cells and inhibits factors that may cause liver damage from alcohol, drugs and enviromental toxins. The active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin. Silymarin acts as an antioxident and increases the concentration of glutathione cells. Glutathione cells play a role in detoxifing liver cells from these liver damaging poisons.
    Its easy to find. Try or you can go to any search engine or supplement store. Hoped this helped.

  22. #22
    kntgsp is offline New Member
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    A friend of mine and I just started our first cycles of steroids , his being decca and dbol , and mine being winny and clen . Anyways the winny I bought is an oil-base NOT a water-base, it is fairly new to the market. A 25 gauge 5/8 inch was used to inject 1 CC in my delt. I later found out this is too small a guage for an oil base especially in my delt. But anyways even during the injection it was becoming sore, and my friend said it was getting hard to inject, or that it was "getting stuck", eventually he got it all in. Now for the past three days my delt has been extremely sore and my arm has been a little pink and puffy, but only on the upper extremety. I slept with a heat pad on my shoulder for the last couple of nights thinking it would help and it barely did. I have heard a few theories on my sore shoulder 1. It is because when my friend was pushing so hard he moved the needle around too much tearing up my shoulder 2. My delt is not large enough for the injection 3. Bacterial?? we used alchohol swabs on my delt and on bottle though. ANY info would be greatly greatly appreciated from vets like u guys. I'm thinking of just doing the rest of the injections in my glutes like everybody else lol. I just thought delt would be easier, but damn my shoulder is sore. email or reply on the post if you have any advice [email protected]

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