Was wondering if anybody else out there has ever had experience with a possible bad batch of t3...
from board sponsors
about to start week 4...
week 1-4:
100 mcg of t-3 ED
Clenbuterol @ 120 mcg first 2 weeks
300 mg Deca EW
300 mg Enanthate EW
100 mg Prop EOD
100 mg Winny EOD
so far i've GAINED over 10 pounds...and the enanthate maybe just started working and deca hasn't...
i've also had experience with this crug before and haven't noticed the feeling of "weakness" whatsoever...been taking it every morning on an empty stomach about 30-45 minutes before breakfast...any ideas??
i only was running anabolics to prevent muscle loss...however it seems like the results i'm getting are equal to the results one would see without the t3 or clen...thoughts?? thanks