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Thread: where do you get your info from? forums vs real life bodybuilders?

  1. #1
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    where do you get your info from? forums vs real life bodybuilders?

    first i want to point out that i have nothing against forum members who offer advice of any sort. my question is would you guys rather listen to a bodybuilder (ex) who you know, good friends etc, been in the game for decades about aas or would you read up on the internet and follow that route?

    the internet seems to be a watered down version of taking cycles aas etc but when I talk to him about it he always says to not listen to all the articles (go by the book) otherwise you wont really get to where you want to be. conflicting views.


  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Like any other "expert" it depends on the experience of the person. Doesn't matter if it is fixing cars, picking out a fishing pole, or AAS. Your guy could be brilliant, or an idiot...who knows?

    Since you are talking personal experience, I don't know a single body builder. All my info comes from here. Even then, you will sometimes get conflicting advice and you need to do research, pick an option, and see how it works for you.

  3. #3
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    There are a lot of bodybuilders on the forum so is it not the same? I personally know a bodybuilder who is dumber then a brick especially about aas.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Like any other "expert" it depends on the experience of the person. Doesn't matter if it is fixing cars, picking out a fishing pole, or AAS. Your guy could be brilliant, or an idiot...who knows?

    Since you are talking personal experience, I don't know a single body builder. All my info comes from here. Even then, you will sometimes get conflicting advice and you need to do research, pick an option, and see how it works for you.
    I'm sure he knows his stuff. It shows.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaZr View Post
    There are a lot of bodybuilders on the forum so is it not the same? I personally know a bodybuilder who is dumber then a brick especially about aas.
    I'm sure there are alot of bodybuilders on the forum. But wouldnt you say a good bb physique must equal to a good amount of knowledge about aas?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by CsB View Post
    I'm sure he knows his stuff. It shows.

    I'm sure there are alot of bodybuilders on the forum. But wouldnt you say a good bb physique must equal to a good amount of knowledge about aas?
    not if his liver is about to malfunction...

    listen to tons of advice, research tons on your own, then formulate YOUR own conclusion/path

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There are alot of bodybuilders on this site with many years of cycling knowledge and experience, there is no harm to collecting as much information and knowledge as possible from many different people and making your own mind up, but there is enough solid educational information on this site what cant be match by any one person IMHO.

  7. #7
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    i pay close attention to the long time members of this site who have thousands of posts under their belt like swifto, the guy above me, etc. not that i take every single thing they say for gospel, but after you read a lot of their insight over time, you get a general idea of what's what.

    i had one huge ass professional bodybuilder from jamaica train me at my gym for a couple months but he wouldnt give me any advice on aas and i knew he juiced

  8. #8
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    Ask any academian, the internet is the worlds largest library. A method of qualification of data in medical journals are references to show that other share the same opinions. Although references can generally not be found on bulletin boards (although some like Swifto will cite supporting data from medical journals) its a simple matter to perform a search on google and verifty that what you have read is either a majority opinion or BS. In addition much information can also be qualified in medical jounals using the same web techniques.

    So if you are aware of how to use the web as a research tool and unless you happen to have personal access to a number world class body builders, physicians and scientists you are probably better off using the web rather than personal contacts.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    not if his liver is about to malfunction...

    listen to tons of advice, research tons on your own, then formulate YOUR own conclusion/path
    ^^^ i dont know enuff guys pinning to pick their brain

  10. #10
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    I'm sure there are alot of bodybuilders on the forum. But wouldnt you say a good bb physique must equal to a good amount of knowledge about aas?

    Absolutely not,

    Genetics, diet and training play into this more than AAS knowlege, so lots of guys with more knowlege on AAS who have shitty genetics or lack the time or commitment needed to excel will never have great BB physiques. In addition to that if the guy has a great physique, testicles the size of raisins and the natural test of a 90 yr old man even though he is 30 do you really think he has the advice you want to follow?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are alot of bodybuilders on this site with many years of cycling knowledge and experience, there is no harm to collecting as much information and knowledge as possible from many different people and making your own mind up, but there is enough solid educational information on this site what cant be match by any one person IMHO.
    ^^^^X2 a coalition of body builders and diet gurus will always know more than just one guy.

  12. #12
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    I don't think there is any one source you should use as bible truth on AAS. There is a lot of good advice in these forums on AAS, but there is also a lot of bad advice. Same thing goes with people you know and bodybuilders. An amazing physique doesn't mean the guy knows his shit. For all you know, his liver might be a good year away from crying "uncle."

    What you should do is read this forum, read studies that you have access to and other online articles, magazine clippings, talk to bodybuilders and people you know in real life about the subject then formulate your own opinion based on all the facts you have gathered.

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by brolic272 View Post
    i pay close attention to the long time members of this site who have thousands of posts under their belt like swifto, the guy above me, etc. not that i take every single thing they say for gospel, but after you read a lot of their insight over time, you get a general idea of what's what.

    i had one huge ass professional bodybuilder from jamaica train me at my gym for a couple months but he wouldnt give me any advice on aas and i knew he juiced
    what they say can be taken as gospel, you havent been here long enuf and are too young to cycle anyhow, so what do you base tht statement on?. on another note, i wouldnt go trusting post counts on any type forum as necessarily being knowledge.

    what pisses me off on here is someone genuinely asking for advice on a 1st cycle and some stupid teenager piping up and 'advising'
    Last edited by dec11; 02-15-2011 at 06:51 PM.

  14. #14
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    I would say listen to these guys. Even if you don't like everything they say you can still learn something. Most on here are just out to help.

  15. #15
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    i think when you can get information via the interwebs people always tend to be more safety first

    ...some monkey in the gym will try and sell you his old honda and crap gear for big bucks

    I've learned from forums, friends and MOST of all, myself... everyone reacts differently my dude

  16. #16
    Lol. some bodybuilders at my gym dont train shoulders, dont train legs, eat at mcdonalds everytime their job shift is done.

    Another one trains on meth or morphine.... Yet they`re 6`3 jacked as ****, rock hard cut and vascular. Good genetics i guess..

    And good genetics doesnt mean you know what you`re doing.

  17. #17
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    ^^ co-signed

  18. #18
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Great thread, lots of interesting perspectives.

  19. #19
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    Both. I certainly would ask my friends for any guidance as I know they are for real and have my best interest at heart. However, with the information available and some of the members here AR is an invaluable resource one would be an idiot to ignore.

    This idea of listening to everyone and finding your own way is only partly true. Some people are completely full of crap, and it's important they're idiocy doesn't infect your decision making process. Lots of people here were misled at some time. Listen to the right people. Only after you've seen and heard enough you start to really recognize who they are.

  20. #20
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I get almost all of my info from this site. Any other info is from doing reasearch in books, but I always counter reference the info here because shit changes all the time and books are not always up to date.

  21. #21
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    Trial and Error, and personal expeirence...I don't think anything or anyone can top that. No one knows your body better than YOU...I don't care if it's a Pro competitor or a person who has a masters degree in Nutrition.You're going to be the best judge at the end of the day..Listen to your body.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Lol. some bodybuilders at my gym dont train shoulders, dont train legs, eat at mcdonalds everytime their job shift is done.

    Another one trains on meth or morphine.... Yet they`re 6`3 jacked as ****, rock hard cut and vascular. Good genetics i guess..

    And good genetics doesnt mean you know what you`re doing.
    A bodybuilder who doesn't train legs and shoulders? They can't expect to win their competitions, do they?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are alot of bodybuilders on this site with many years of cycling knowledge and experience, there is no harm to collecting as much information and knowledge as possible from many different people and making your own mind up, but there is enough solid educational information on this site what cant be match by any one person IMHO.

    ^^^^ Exactly

    Also..... the forums are here to get you started on the path of bodybuilding...... safely. Every single Mr. Olympia does things differently..... uses different dosages...... uses more or less compounds..... so even if you take his advice..... it probably wont work for you. These forums provide an outlet for people to learn about the sport and how to get started down a safe path. How far off that path you go is up to you, your body, and what you need to do to make it to where you want to be.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  24. #24
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    Forum!!..hands down.
    Know/work out with several BB´s in Europe and have a couple of BB friends in the US. A couple of them pro´s. Exclusively bad advise from ALL. (regarding first time cycle)
    The most ignorant topic is PCT.
    And without exception I´m being advised stacking + taking too high doses.
    One pro say "Just go for it! I´ve taken all kinds of AAS for years, and I´m still alive"
    Another does not do PCT......but amazingly recovers, I must add, balls hanging and all.....go figure??
    Got into a discussion yesterday on best way to set HGH. I´m doing subc., however he said much better to set Intravenous since the best efect from HGH is to receive it as a "spike"
    Like I´ve said before, I love the conservative nature of this Forum, the sole reason I am not on a cycle myself right now, and rightfully so.
    Last edited by Flier; 02-16-2011 at 09:24 AM.

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