I have a couple of questions for those of you that are technically always on test. I guess you could call it TRT, but if you have the money you could technically be on ur own "TRT" if you cruise on test instead of coming off. So lets say you wanna cruise on test forever, instead of using PCT meds and recovering.
What is the average dose most guys cruise on? I'm assuming 250mg/Test a week would be enough to keep the majority of the gains gained from the cycle. However, TRT dose is a lot lower I believe, about 150mg Test every 2 weeks? is it safe to be on 250mg/Test a week forever?
What are the consenquences ofnever recovering? So technically being always on test. Evidently, you probably will never be able to recover again after being on for a year +, but how does it impact impotence (Can you have kids after)? , your heart, overall lif span etc?
I'm just curious in general how are all of you doing that always cruise on test? Do any if you regret it? How is your overall health? I'd just appreciaite it if anyone can expand a little bit on this topic.