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Thread: dbol only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    dbol only cycle

    going to start taking 35mg ed for 6 weeks
    i have 5mg pink thai dbol
    should i run it like this

    8:00am 5mg

    10:00am 5mg

    13:00pm 5mg

    16:00pm 5mg

    19:00pm 5mg

    22:00pm 10mg

    this is first cycle thats why i am running dbol only just to test how body reacts, sides etc

    pct will be nolva 40/30/20/20

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    dbol only cycles are not recommended.

    Your gains will go away as fast as they arrived.

    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Sounds good mate, i went for a dbol only cycle to start with, 6 weeks is good.

    I found that when i went above 30mg/day to 40 - 50 i started to get alot of water retention around my neck and got spots on my face.. if this happens to you bump it down to 30mg/day and you'll be reeet !

    Id also do the 10mg dosage before you hit the gym, you'll see a slight strength increase and stronger pumps. Also, doesnt have to be at the exact times you say on the dot, but there abouts and you should be fine, some people dont rate dbol only cycles but i cant see the harm in it ! You will keep half your gains if you pct right and eat well and train right when you come off, the majority of what you loose is water.

    Good luck x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    21 years old
    5ft 11
    175 lbs
    1 1/2 year training consistently, trained before but now and then for short periods of time
    no cycle history

    i do have some deca 300 and supertest 400 but with no cycle history didnt want to incorporate them in until i had done a dbol only cycle to see how my body reacts

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thank you for providing your stats.

    My first thought is this: @ 5'11" you should be able to hit 205-210 easy with proper training and diet.
    Second: You need to hold off a couple of years. Your body isn't done growing yet. These compounds will stop this natural growth.<---------read. all of it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    That looks ok, i tend to split the dose with my 3 main meals.
    Dbol only is a very common 1st cycle for many ppl.
    Those that know how to train and eat properly can make some good gains (it's just the fools who want a quick fix and hardly ever go to the gym that lose all they gained) i gained around 18lbs and kept 12lbs on my 1st ever dbol cycle if i remember correctly (it was a long time ago lol).
    Good luck.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by xeroxy View Post
    That looks ok, i tend to split the dose with my 3 main meals.
    Dbol only is a very common 1st cycle for many ppl.
    Those that know how to train and eat properly can make some good gains (it's just the fools who want a quick fix and hardly ever go to the gym that lose all they gained) i gained around 18lbs and kept 12lbs on my 1st ever dbol cycle if i remember correctly (it was a long time ago lol).
    Good luck.
    dbol a common first cycle for who???

    Not reccomended without test guys. Youll get big fast; for sure, but youll lose it faster than you know it..

    Besides you are only 21!! You still have so much potential at your age bro. Goto the diet section and check your diet out.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    dbol a common first cycle for who???

    Not reccomended without test guys. Youll get big fast; for sure, but youll lose it faster than you know it..

    Besides you are only 21!! You still have so much potential at your age bro. Goto the diet section and check your diet out.
    Well i have been on the scene for about about 15 years and on various forums for many years and dbol is a very common 1st cycle for many guys.
    I also have a large client base and know many lads personally who have done very well on dbol only cycles and like myself kept a lot of their gains.If you are dedicated and know how to train and eat correctly then there is no reason you shouldn't keep a substantial amount of the gains made, obviously there will be glycogen depletion and the loss of water weight.

  9. #9
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    xeroxy... whats glycogen depletion ?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlucax View Post
    xeroxy... whats glycogen depletion ?
    Very basically a number a reactions take place when AAS are introduced to our bodies, one of the main ones is the ability of the cells within the muscles to increase beyond the normal the uptake of glycogen (through a series of steps) which gives a fuller (though temporary look) this along with water and other chemicals and proteins is lost when the AAS are stopped.

  11. #11
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    xeroxy... What is HPTA? And how might it react to AAS use in a 21 year old male?

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    This is a terrible cycle and you are too young. I would go on about what damage you can do to yourself, but frankly I am tired of repeating myself.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender- View Post
    xeroxy... What is HPTA? And how might it react to AAS use in a 21 year old male?
    I'm sure you know what your HPTA is.
    But to answer your question it's impossible to say what amount of suppression X amount of steroids would have on HPTA function, however younger guys do tend to bounce back quicker and this is especially indicative with shorter cycles.

  14. #14
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    so you wouldn't recommend to one of your 21 year old "clients" that they have their growth plates checked and bloodwork done before embarking upon an ill conceived oral only cycle?

  15. #15
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    I didn't recommend he take steroids in shape or form if you read my initial post.
    What i do try and do is answer the question and let the member make up their own mind.
    If someone has decided that this is what they are going to do then i try to encourage questions so that they can be advised on the safest way to use what they have decided and point out any side effects and ancilliary meds they should consider having to counteract them.
    Epihyseal fusion is largely dependant on ethnicicty and at 21 years of age in 99% of western/european males this process has already taken place.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    thank you for your clarification.

    hopefully the op learns from this thread.

    Have a nice day.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    now that we have that out of the way.......

    TO THE OP:

    What happened man?!? Did you buy a time machine? I want one of those!

    Quote Originally Posted by stephenw View Post
    hi, i have been training intensively for 4 - 5 years and have hit a wall in terms of gains. i am 5ft 11 and 195lbs and only 19 years old. i know this is far too young to be taking aas but because of me training for so long and hitting a wall do you think i could do 1 cycle maybe to give me a little 'boost'
    I was thinking this ..

    500mg Sus p/week
    30mg Dbol ED first 3 weeks
    40mg Winny ED last 2 weeks

    Proviron EOD during cycle

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT

    All advice appreciated

  18. #18
    although a 6 week 35mg ed dbol cycle isn't dangerous. It's pretty stupid and you can't keep more then half of the gains anyways at best. The only time i would ever consider a d-bol cycle would be if i couldn't get anything else and even then that's not a good thing to do on my part.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlucax View Post
    Sounds good mate, i went for a dbol only cycle to start with, 6 weeks is good.
    influx of stupid lately. fvcking blind leading the blind...

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