Whats your guys thoughts on dbol only cycles as a beginner cycle? Of course followed up with pct? I hear some people say you wont keep gains, and then I hear others say you will keep most of the gains?
Whats your guys thoughts on dbol only cycles as a beginner cycle? Of course followed up with pct? I hear some people say you wont keep gains, and then I hear others say you will keep most of the gains?
why would you not use test c or e with this...
You 20yrs old, you dont needs steroids you can cause yourself some serious damage
I was just curious on your guys thoughts.
lol he just gave them to you...
Guys is plural meaning that I wanted more opinions than marcus 300. Maybe from people who have actually done it and if they kept their gains.
Your 20yrs old, by using steroids you can cause your hpta to not fully reach its peak which would result in low test. Do you really want to have low test. Do you want to be able to get a hard on? Do you want to go on hrt for life? You need to sort your diet out and don't shut down your natural test production. Be mature about it and build a base by hard training and eating a solid diet. Maybe you should listen to someone your own age giving you advice how to cycle if your not going to listen to the right advice. Best of luck
D-bol only isnt benefical mate you gotta do some more research about the reason running test is so important however the age factor really isn't worth it 4 or 5 more years of diet and training and you can look back and laugh and think im glad i didn't do that...
Fair enough guys thanks for the info. I didn't plan on taking aas I just wanted to see what you guys thought. This is how we learn, by asking questions.
You'r just wasting your time and money with a dbol only cycle and will lose the gains as quick as you got them. At 20 you are to young to use but then again i would be a hypocrite as im planning on starting soon and am only 22 myself but know the risks and have 7 years research behind me on aas.
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