Hey all!
I did my first injection of Test at Crimbo, It was Tri-Sus 250. Injection was no problem, although I did have a sore ass for 3 days. The day for my next injection arrived and I had been reading about sides being worse if you had too high bodyfat %.
I'm 16 stone @ 5ft 9inch, been training a year and half, my start weight was 14.2. Since the start my fat % has never changed, so like a plonker I started to worry, and decided to lose some fat.
Anyway, I felt nothing until the 2nd week when doing my Triceps and Shoulders, They felt like very tight, kinda like I could just charge through the wall, nice feeling
On the 2nd to 3rd week my left nipple started to itch, "I know right?..why just my left!", that lasted a week, at the same time I noticed my patience lessened and my frustration and anger grew.
I didn't do any PCT as it was only one injection, I'm thinking these symptoms are going to be more heightened during a 12 week course.
Just wanted to know if anyone else had any of these symptoms.