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  1. #1
    MagicMan11 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Help with finishing touches

    Age - 21
    Height - 6'1
    Weight - 190

    Current Cycle-
    Test Cyp 250 mg twice weekly
    Equipose 305 mg/ -once weekly
    100 Oxandrolone 30 mg tablets

    PCT - 50 Tamoxifen Citrate 20 mg


    I have just taken my last shot of Test Cyp two days ago and my Nolva PCT aswell as Winnie and 'Var tabs have just arrived to me. Now this may get a little confusing for y'all aw well as my self. lol
    I was runnning a 16 week cycle of Equipoise and regular cylce of Test Cyp however after I finihsed the first bottle of 305 mg EQ, I got bad news that my connect would not be renewing his EQ supply. So I discontiued the EQ and carried on with my Test. When the majority of the EQ leaves my body , does the TEST continue on with the hormone levels or will the EQ decrease and cause estrogen conversion ? If so when would I start my PCT for the EQ ? ...... Part 2 of my inquiry / problem. I also have on hand a bottle of Anavar as well as Winnie tabs for the cutting / hardening of my muscles. When do I start this portion of the cycle ? Would I consider this its own seperate entity of a cycle or would this be included in the continuation/ finishing step of cycle 1 ? ..... How long would I be running the two orals ? and what are the stats for running my PCT ? All I need for mysellf is a visual of the weekly applications online therfore Ill be able to fix any minor problems on hand. . . . . And finally Ive been noticing a slight case of Gyno (nothing life ending or embarrasinbg for myself...and to be completly honest this "Gyno" could be just my mind getting the better of me ).... Would this be related to the excess body fat Im carrying or is related to the current arromitization of the Test/EQ ? ? ? (If it is the latter part of the last sentence , how is it treated ASAP!) Just wanted to give a gracious thank you in advance to whom ever helps contribute to my thread. THANK YOU !!! and feel free to ask any questions.


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Your far to young bro and run the risk of causing yourself serious harm cycling at such an early age.

    Hit the diet and training forums lets see if we can help you in those areas...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    MagicMan11 is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the reply but I in need of instruction and fact not suggestions or opinions. I was hoping to get some numbers in return cuz regardless of the reply Im still going to proceed with the stack, Id rather have help from people here so I can complete it correctly. To the best of my recoglection Ive read somewhere that Test Cyp takes15 days before I start my PCT... How true is that ? If so would I start the winny/var after I complete the first PCT for the Test or does the addition of the orals offset and restart the whole PCT process for the combined.


  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicMan11 View Post
    Thank you for the reply but I in need of instruction and fact not suggestions or opinions. I was hoping to get some numbers in return cuz regardless of the reply Im still going to proceed with the stack, Id rather have help from people here so I can complete it correctly. To the best of my recoglection Ive read somewhere that Test Cyp takes15 days before I start my PCT... How true is that ? If so would I start the winny/var after I complete the first PCT for the Test or does the addition of the orals offset and restart the whole PCT process for the combined.


  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are to young.

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Your far to young bro and run the risk of causing yourself serious harm cycling at such an early age.

    Hit the diet and training forums lets see if we can help you in those areas...

    Trust me, we don't steer young guys away from AAS because we want to hoard them all for ourselves, we do it because we actually are looking out for your health.

  7. #7
    MagicMan11 is offline New Member
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    If it makes a difference Im turning 22 lol. But I understand your reccomending that I dont use for gear but Im trying to say that Ive already finihsed the Test and would like a guide how to finish it properly. For you to say "Im too young" is completly useless in this scenario because it equates to nothing other than opinion on a situation. I forgot to mention this was my second cycle , did a cycle of Test Cyp and Decca, dont know if that changes any opinions of the other posters. You guys could keep repeating Im too young , and I appreciate the concern ...I really do , but that still doesnt help solve my problem . Im sorry if Im coming off with the wrong attitude to some , Im just ineed of some answers. Everyday goes by could potentially be a day wasted for properly continuing.


  8. #8
    MagicMan11 is offline New Member
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    If training stats help form abase of what my backround in athletics are ; Ive been boxing since 6 yrs old , weights and strength and conditioning off and on past 3 years for off-ice hockey training. Weight lifting consistently for the past year and a half- two years. Im really active and been on a steady proper high protein diet. Im no stranger to diets and proper training, Im just in need of AAS advice. Im not some young punk that wants to get inflate 35 pounds over night ,Ive read up and researched AAS for a while now, just need a bit of a refresher in some areas. Thanks for the help


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