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Thread: Marcus300

  1. #1
    Dunk is offline Banned
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    HI there- been reading up on all of your posts. Very thorough and informative. Thanks for taking the time to construct such useful threads. I have a specific question for you- I am at the moment constructing my beginner Test E cycle- a typical 10 week 500 mg per week cycle, with HCG from weeks 4-12 followed by clomid/nolva pct from weeks 14-18. I am considering adding Dbol to kickstart cycle at 30 mg ed from weeks 1-4.

    So that leads me to a few questions for you as you seem to be very knowledgeable:

    1) Would it be a good idea to sub aromasin for clomid to avoid clomid related sides?
    2) If running L-dex on cycle if nolva is required to combat gyno symptoms will L-dex interfere? One post suggested that using the two at the same time would result in greatly reduced ldex concentrations and would be virtually useless- what is your opinion?
    3) Rather than kick-starting with Dbol- could one sub Anivar at 75 mg ed for 6 weeks? I am more interested in strength gains than mass gains and am not particularly interested in the bloating sides associated with Dbol use.

    Your expertise would be greatly appreciated- as well as any others who can answer.

    Last edited by Dunk; 02-18-2011 at 03:14 AM.

  2. #2
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    1st question he is going to ask you is ,whats are your stats?

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    stats with goals/cycle history?

  4. #4
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    I´ll pretend to be Marcus...hehe
    Let´s see how close I get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    HI there- been reading up on all of your posts. Very thorough and informative. Thanks for taking the time to construct such useful threads. I have a specific question for you- I am at the moment constructing my beginner Test E cycle- a typical 10 week 500 mg per week cycle, with HCG from weeks 4-12 followed by clomid/nolva pct from weeks 14-18. I am considering adding Dbol to kickstart cycle at 30 mg ed from weeks 1-4. You´re doing a 10 week E cycle, so PCT starts at week 12. Aromasin 10mg EOD week 4-12. End HCG 4 days before PCT. Wait with Dbol for your next cycle, as you will have great gains with E, and less potential sides

    So that leads me to a few questions for you as you seem to be very knowledgeable:

    1) Would it be a good idea to sub aromasin for clomid to avoid clomid related sides?No! End Aromasin with HCG 4 days prior to PCT. Aromasin is an AI, Clomid is a SERM. If you are worried about Clomid sides, substitute with Toremifene
    2) If running L-dex on cycle if nolva is required to combat gyno symptoms will L-dex interfere? One post suggested that using the two at the same time would result in greatly reduced ldex concentrations and would be virtually useless- what is your opinion? Ldex-Nolva is a poor combination as you state. Armasin-Nolva is a great combination. Even better..start Aromasin week 4 to prevent sides, instead of have to "combat".
    3) Rather than kick-starting with Dbol- could one sub Anivar at 75 mg ed for 6 weeks? I am more interested in strength gains than mass gains and am not particularly interested in the bloating sides associated with Dbol use. Keep it simple! One compound for your first cycle, you may experience sides from Anivar or Dbol, and ruin an otherwise great cycle. Strength?....with a proper diet, you will increase your bench with 50 lbs +

    Your expertise would be greatly appreciated- as well as any others who can answer.

    How´bout it Marcus?
    Last edited by Flier; 02-18-2011 at 04:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    ^^^ You did ok but failed to wait for the op's stats and i noticed you hadn't looked on his profile page for stats, so if he comes back now and says he's 17 and never worked out in his life then you look a little silly bro....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #6
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    ^^^ You did ok but failed to wait for the op's stats and i noticed you hadn't looked on his profile page for stats, so if he comes back now and says he's 17 and never worked out in his life then you look a little silly bro....
    No...I did look up his profile, and it said 27.

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    No one mentioned to use only 1 compound on 1st cycle.I will leave the other question for someone else.But I wouldnt sub clomid.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    HI there- been reading up on all of your posts. Very thorough and informative. Thanks for taking the time to construct such useful threads. I have a specific question for you- I am at the moment constructing my beginner Test E cycle- a typical 10 week 500 mg per week cycle, with HCG from weeks 4-12 followed by clomid/nolva pct from weeks 14-18. I am considering adding Dbol to kickstart cycle at 30 mg ed from weeks 1-4.

    So that leads me to a few questions for you as you seem to be very knowledgeable:

    1) Would it be a good idea to sub aromasin for clomid to avoid clomid related sides?
    2) If running L-dex on cycle if nolva is required to combat gyno symptoms will L-dex interfere? One post suggested that using the two at the same time would result in greatly reduced ldex concentrations and would be virtually useless- what is your opinion?
    3) Rather than kick-starting with Dbol- could one sub Anivar at 75 mg ed for 6 weeks? I am more interested in strength gains than mass gains and am not particularly interested in the bloating sides associated with Dbol use.

    Your expertise would be greatly appreciated- as well as any others who can answer.

    First thing, you need to post your stats instead of us all looking through your previous posts and threads to find them, I did go looking and you have stated these are your stats:
    195 lbs
    10% bf
    12 years training
    No cycle experience- all natural so far

    1, There is no need to use aromasin in pct if you have used an AI during the cycle, stick with SERMs nolva and clomid for pct.

    2, Use aromasin during the cycle to combat estrogen related sides, but I would use a low dose no need to go overboard and reduce estrogen to much, you do need some for the muscle building process, its all about balance and control.

    3, There's no need to run any other compound, if its your first cycle and you have built a solid base and your diet is in order test only will do you just fine, you can if you want to use a kicker but why not leave it for your second cycle and see how you react to the test first.

    Sounds like you have done some homework, well done!!

  9. #9
    Dunk is offline Banned
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    Thanks- I appreciate our response. Sorry I neglected to mention my stats- but it looks like you found em. What dosage would you suggest for Aromasin use? Thanks.

  10. #10
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    I´ll pretend to be Marcus...hehe
    Let´s see how close I get.

    How´bout it Marcus?
    that's pretty damn close.. haha

  11. #11
    Dunk is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    that's pretty damn close.. haha
    Heheheee it was indeed-

    OK.. so based on my research here is what I have put together... I am feeling pretty confident about my research, and am thinking this should be a pretty solid cycle. I decided to drop Ldex altogether as it would appear that Aromasin is a better match with Nolva use if required.

    Test E 500 mg per week week 1-10
    Aromasin 10mg EOD week 4-12 (End 4 days prior to PCT)
    HCG 2x250 iu/week Week 4-12 (End 4 days prior to PCT)
    Nolva on hand

    Week 12-16
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    Thank you all for your help.

  12. #12
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i never used aromasin and do not know anything about it so i will not comment on it. I just used .5mg of Arimidex /liquidex EOD a few weeks into my cycle when my ankles swelled up a bit from wate retention.. and then stopped using it after a few weeks.. i mainly needed it because i was stacking Anadrol and the water retention was too much.. it is generally believed that it is best to leave the AI's out of the equation unless you need them.. i ran two cycles before at 600mg test and 400mg deca nd never needed them.. on the same hand i know guys that did just 400mg of test and needed them.. so honestly i would say just have them on hand.. don't run anything unless you need it.. and if aromasin is doing its job i would think you wouldn't need to add nolvadex anyways. just my .02

  13. #13
    Dunk is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i never used aromasin and do not know anything about it so i will not comment on it. I just used .5mg of Arimidex/liquidex EOD a few weeks into my cycle when my ankles swelled up a bit from wate retention.. and then stopped using it after a few weeks.. i mainly needed it because i was stacking Anadrol and the water retention was too much.. it is generally believed that it is best to leave the AI's out of the equation unless you need them.. i ran two cycles before at 600mg test and 400mg deca nd never needed them.. on the same hand i know guys that did just 400mg of test and needed them.. so honestly i would say just have them on hand.. don't run anything unless you need it.. and if aromasin is doing its job i would think you wouldn't need to add nolvadex anyways. just my .02
    Yeah I figured I would keep nolva at arms length just in case. From everything I can find- running an AI like aromasin or Ldex will greatly reduce the chances of gyno, and if used properly won't totally block all estrogen.

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