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  1. #1
    hybrid's Avatar
    hybrid is offline Member
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    How many cycles?

    In doing my research it occured to me to wonder about how many cycles I would expect to be on over the next few years or more.
    I am 5'9", 185lbs, with about 10%bf, 36 yrs.
    I would like to ultimately be 200-210 with low bf.
    Say on my first couple of cycles (a year or so right) I reach my goal weight and bf and am pleased with the amount of muscle I have.
    What then? What kind of maintenance program would I go on? Do I still have to do similar cycles (dbol , test, eq, clomid for instance), or do I maintain with different gear, or do you reach the point where you can maintain your physique without gear at all?
    I have tried to search this subject and can't figure out what to search.
    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Ozzy's Avatar
    Ozzy is offline Senior Member
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    You don't need to know
    You could reach that weight your first cycle easy. Keeping it is up to your diet , training and post cycle therapy . JMO

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    It all depends on alot of different factor. How far passed your genetic potential you are and what Ozzy mentioned. You want about 25-30lbs more lbm then you have right now. You should be O.K.

    I would go slow and make your gains over time ratter then trying to get out of one cycle. That way your body will get used to carrying the extra weight. Go with a low dose cycle of test only to start, like 250mg of a 1 ester test every 5 days. That will give you 350mg a week, if you think you need a little more go 500mg a week. I wouldn't go over that, if you need more help to get it, your going to need more help to keep it.


  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by JohnnyB

    I would go slow and make your gains over time ratter then trying to get out of one cycle.

    this is sound advice. if you load up too quickly, you'll never keep as much as you want to. add the mass slowly, and steadily, you'll be much happier in the long run.
    i think the average is roughly 2-3 cycles per year bro. some of us go more often, some less..........

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    hybrid's Avatar
    hybrid is offline Member
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    Do you go 2-3 cycles per year even after you have reached your goal? If so, am i right to assume that maintenance cycles would involve much less gear? Thanks.

  6. #6
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I haven't got there yet


  7. #7
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    yea man, not many people are at the maintenence level yet. most anyone who uses gear will never be satisfied...

  8. #8
    JYZZA's Avatar
    JYZZA is offline VET
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    I planed on doing only 2 cycles..LOL...I'll be on my 6th soon.
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  9. #9
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    well, this is tough one to answer other than just personal experience.

    i told my wife i was going to quit when i hit 200, im now at 238 and still going.
    im running a long cycle now, 60 weeks. but before i started this one i ran 2 cycles a year, none longer than 12 weeks. i think that when i come off this one, i'll probably stay off for 4-6 months, and then go back on. for how long is still to be determined.

    peace bb79

  10. #10
    Solrock's Avatar
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    It always starts as "I just want to do one cycle, maybe... maybe two cycles to get to my ideal weight. Then I'll stop.".... shit... that is what I said. Now I am on cycle... hmm... what is it... 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 ???? shit. I can even count that high.

  11. #11
    Solrock's Avatar
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    hybridtj - listen to the other members... you could get to your goal in one cycle... but you would be better served by growing a bit more slowly. It will be easier in the long run to maintain if you grow a bit more slowly.

  12. #12
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Thanks for the help. So to sum up, once you start down the dark side forever will it control your destiny. Hmmm, sounds like something out of a movie. Maybe I should get the black cape and helmet ordered now. LOL. Thanks again. Back to research. Should probably get some work done too.

  13. #13
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Would you guys say that the reason that it is hard to stop after a couple of cycles (and your first goal is met) is because of the intoxicating feeling of the gains that are obtained? Or is it because once you go off a cycle the gains eventually diminish to the point where you feel it necessary to go back on another cycle? Just trying to get the mindset for this. Thanks.

  14. #14
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    hell bro,
    theres so many reasons to keep cycling, especially for us older guys. the mass and strength gains aside, the feeling of well being i get is beyond compare to any other rec drug i have ever tried.
    the elevated test level is a huge plus also. dont get me wrong, there are sides to battle, but most can be handled nicely with a little prep work before hand.
    the younger guys will have some different reasons, but thats to be expected...............hehe.

    peace bb79

  15. #15
    hybrid's Avatar
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    You know, I used to always be the pup of the group. This being the old guy takes some getting used to doesn't it? My brother turns 40 this month, so I still have that going for me. Guess I better start planning the black birthday.
    As for the feeling of well being etc..., I guess I will have to see what that is all about after the cycle.
    Thanks bro.

  16. #16
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    Originally posted by hybridtj
    This being the old guy takes some getting used to doesn't it?
    trust me arent alone, there are quite a few of us older guys running around here. i went through a pretty rough patch about 7 months ago, and i posted on it in the over 30 forum.
    to be honest though, i feel age is nothing but a number. to me its about quality of life, and how i feel while making my way to the end of it.

    btw- you have a pm.

    peace bb79

  17. #17
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by barbells79
    hell bro,
    theres so many reasons to keep cycling, especially for us older guys. the mass and strength gains aside, the feeling of well being i get is beyond compare to any other rec drug i have ever tried.
    the elevated test level is a huge plus also.
    peace bb79
    It is a great feeling


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