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Thread: Doses Question

  1. #1
    hoyle21 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2011

    Doses Question

    Let me start by saying I am not ready to do a cycle. I have lifted weights on and off for a long time. I started at age 14 for football in highschool, but I have taken the last 3-4 years off, and there is a lot I can do naturally before I get to the point of needing gear. I am now 32 years old.

    I have started to do my research, and I believe a basic Test E cycle will be the one I do, when I finally get to that point. My question is really about doses. From what I can tell 500mg a week, or 250mg ever 3.5 days seems to be the standard. Why is body size not taken into account for this? I am naturally a bigger guy. Currently I am 6-4 260 lbs. I think I can get down to 225, but I probably can't get much smaller than that. That would be a very cut low BF% percentage for me.

    I just find it odd that most drugs you take are based on how big an individual is, but with steroids , the size of the patient doesn't seem to change dosage. Can anyone explain this?

    I have spent time looking through educational threads and couldnt find anything on this, so if it has been addressed and I missed it, I am sorry.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Look at it this way, the average male produces about 70/80mgs of testosterone every week at most 90mgs, so 500mgs is more than enough no matter what size you are....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Ditto.You could even run 300 to 400 and do great.A lot of people think more is better.Not so! You slowly work your way up.When you no longer get results from the lower amount.

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