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Thread: Primo or Winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Primo or Winny

    I'm planing to start my first cycle next week( 1-10 deca 200mg
    1-10 test enant 250mg) and I have one more question.
    One guy in fitness suggested me that I could take winny or primo weeks 6-10 instead of test.
    My stats:
    32 years, 160 lbs, 6', 8%BF.
    Question is: is this OK, which woud do better for me and what shold be the doses?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Your cycle's fine, some would say you need more, but for your first your good to go. You could run the test 1 week passed the deca, since it take deca 3 weeks to clear the system. Than start clomid or nolva for post cycle therapy.


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