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  1. #1
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2010

    starting orals in the middle of a test cycle?

    has anyone used orals in the middle of a cycle? i only had access to test cyp at the begginning of my cycle so i started it and am doing 300mg a week due to bad sides at higher doses but im on week 5 and i just started gettin gains im up like 5 lbs and i jsut got ahold of some anadrol , anyone got some advice on when the best time to start taking it would be? im thinking maybe at week 8-12 then more test till week 16? i mean i know its best to do it at teh beginning of a test cyp or enth cycle but this is what im workin with haha wanna get the best of it (obviously test the whole way week1-16 no break during anadrol i worded that kinda bad)

  2. #2
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2009
    most people would use an oral like drol or dbol like this:
    week 1-10 test c 500mg weekly
    week 1-4 dbol 30-50mg ed/ drol 50-100mg ed

    but i have actually seen people want to use the synergistic effects of the steroids together, rather than use a kickstart.. since test doesn't kick in for a few weeks, it would look like this:
    week 1-10 test c 500mg weekly
    week 3-6 (or longer) dbol 30-50mg ed/ drol 50-100mg ed

    what you are proposing isn't crazy to do, just not typical.. by the way, a cycle probably shouldn't like yours probably shouldn't be ran for more than 12 weeks or so, test e/c really starts to lose its "effectivness" around week 8-9, and you will basically stop getting good gains much past 12-14 weeks

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