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  1. #1
    sre123 is offline New Member
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    Wink Help, Strength Cycle Needed!

    I'm 20 years old, I know I'm to young but I want to do strongman competitions, and if I am going to win the big ones I've gotta get way stronger. I'm 6', 272 lbs, and about 25% bf... I think. I've done 2 cycles, eq for my first (I know dumb but I only know 1 guy to get stuff from and he wouldn't let me get anything else) then d-bol and decca for my second (same guy, same stipulations). I gained a lot of strength on the first, but not much on the second (think it was cuz I couldn't eat enough), then got real sick after the cycle and lost it. I saw absolutly no sides in eaither cycle. What do I need to run, how long do I need to run it, at what dosage, what pct, and anything else that will get me the most strength, and keep it, without running too much risk cuz my age? Thanks for the help, I really need it.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    you are pretty young to be looking into heavy cycles. there are a ton of educational threads here that outline cycles, pct and doses. If you dont do a little research to begin with, you will find members wont be very inclined to help. generally speaking halotestin is known as a big strength builder and can be incorporated into a good test cycle. look up some educational threads to learn a bit more.

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Besides beaying to young, at 25% bf I would 100% not cycle to many health risks cycling at that high.

  4. #4
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    First of all, you need to tell your friend to go screw himself. He's given you prolly the worst advice ever. What kind of training program are you using right now? What are your lifts ? And also what does your diet look like?

  5. #5
    sre123 is offline New Member
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    I figured not to many people would want to help me because of my age, but I'm gonna do it, so I hoped someone would help me. I have read a lot of stuff on just about everything, but it's hard to figure out what I need. I know my friend is an idiot, after doing reading. I'm doing a power training program right now, with lots of cardio because I need to cut down and get more endurance. As far as my diet goes it's pretty crappy now cuz I'm broke, it's a lot of chicken, eggs, protein shakes, raviolis, and ramon noodles. When I was on it was mainly chicken, potatoes, eggs and protein shakes with beef at least once a week, and have always taken a vitamin, and have been eating more fruits and veggies lately. My lifts stand at 450 bench, 600 squat, 335 overhead press, 600 deadlift, 365 3 times on bentover rows, and I can max just about every machine for reps. I was stronger, but got sick.

  6. #6
    sre123 is offline New Member
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    And I wanted halotestin , but everywhere I've read said you don't really keep the results, it's pretty toxic, and my source can't get it.

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I really think you need to look hard at your motivation.

    I have posted before that I can understand someone who is truly a proathlete in whatever discipline using AAS at a young age to advance his career. No its not a good thing but many of us in our careers have to make decisions in our early adult years that may have long term health consequences. Examples of this are Automotive painters, bodymen etc damaging the lungs or welders damaging there eyes lungs and sujecting themselves to parkinsons like symptoms from inhaling heavy metals. However this should always be a decision that is based on research and wieghing the options but sadly lack of career options is often the case.

    However to take a chance of long term damage to ones health too increase ones performance in a sport that is basically a hobby and is not putting food on the table or supporting ones family is not a very wise decision. If you are aware of the consequences and choose to do so anyway, this points to serious self esteem issues that need to be addressed or they may be as much of a problem as the AAS usage.

    Anyway sorry for the psych 101, but your motivation is really something you should look at.

    Good luck FFM .

  8. #8
    sre123 is offline New Member
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    Good point. And yes, I have plenty of issues with self esteem being one. I have a addressed them, have taken classes teaching about them, seen a councilor, etc. I know they're still there... but I've always liked the strongman stuff and wanted to do it. I've never thought of linking it to self esteem needs... just saw it as something I wanted to pursue... and I turned to wanting steroids cuz I've been accused of doing them since freshman yr in high school, I know all the top guys are on them, and just figured why not?

  9. #9
    sre123 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GR13 View Post
    im in the same boat as u with the high bf, try tren brutha. ur gonna be strong and lose fat. one of the folks here will give the dosage info because i havent had the best of luck with getting real advices here for myself, but im gonna use tren either way. good luck
    Thanks man, I will. Good luck to u 2.

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