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Thread: Flu and Fever symptoms after every testo injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Flu and Fever symptoms after every testo injection

    Is this possible? I feel like once i'm getting better, and do an injection, the next day I feel like piss - and it hits me like a train. Headache, fever, sluggish the whole shabang.

    I've been injecting test-e eod, because i've been running about 900mg / week.

    Are there other reasons why I feel like this? Maybe to high estrogen? or something?

    I've ran testo before, never been like this, and that was 750mg.
    And I feel sore for longer after injections, especially in the shoulder - maybe too much with 1ml there?

    Sidenote: Been feeling this way for too long, been on cycle for 4 weeks, have had little decent workouts - really bumming me out.
    Gonna wait a whille till I do the next injections, and maybe order a doctor checkup)

    I'm giving this some thought, could be that i'm allergic to some ingredient they put in this or perhaps enanthate (i've tried a couple of cycles with cyp, I am not REALLY sure I've tried enan before, because it's been some years since that cycle, and can't remember wether it was cyp og enan, oh well.. I've got to stop injecting for a while and check out what happens, if this shit clears up or what.. Not doing my body any good, beeing on a fairly high dosage at the moment, when I can't workout!
    Last edited by The Wolfman; 02-20-2011 at 02:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Why are you runiing it every other day man? Test e should be broken up into 2 injections during the week. So you should be injecting 450mg twice a week. There is no additional benefit to injecting long estered steroid EOD.
    As for feeling like hell, you may be allergic to the oil that was used to make it. Find out what was used and then see your doc and see if you are allergic to cottonseed oil or grape seed oil or whatever was used.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2010
    i heard of this with prop but not test e.. doesn't make sense to me.. why such a high dose and as said above no need for EOD.. must be the oil and an allergy of some sort.. but usually that would cause a locallized reaction if anything.. so maybe the gear is not cleaned properly?? not sure. is it a reputable lab?

  4. #4
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Why are you runiing it every other day man? Test e should be broken up into 2 injections during the week. So you should be injecting 450mg twice a week. There is no additional benefit to injecting long estered steroid EOD.
    As for feeling like hell, you may be allergic to the oil that was used to make it. Find out what was used and then see your doc and see if you are allergic to cottonseed oil or grape seed oil or whatever was used.
    You actually get more stable levels with e2d, and ED aswell with enan over e3d - e4d.
    There was a graph on it a while back on this forum. But the reason I'm taking it that frequently is more the ML issue, don't want to inject 2-3ml everytime I do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i heard of this with prop but not test e.. doesn't make sense to me.. why such a high dose and as said above no need for EOD.. must be the oil and an allergy of some sort.. but usually that would cause a locallized reaction if anything.. so maybe the gear is not cleaned properly?? not sure. is it a reputable lab?
    Well, been up and down with different kind of dosages - just checking too see how I react - tried 750mg before, did well. So I wanted to try something new.
    Test only by the way, so 900mg isn't that high really - of total AAS.

    Anywho, i'm going to cut out this particular steroid, and see where it get's me - it could easily be an allergic reaction, when I think about it.
    My injection areas get more sore the usual aswell - quite a bit, so i'm glad I decided to write on here, got me to thing about it.

    And cheers too you guys


    It could well be that i'm getting a local reaction, since I'm feeling MUCH more sore the usual in the days after the injections - so you might be right here, im going to cut ut out for a while, and check - that will lead to unstable levels, but I got to check what's doing this - and I have a bit in my system to last me a while, so..

    Well it's UG for sure - new lab aswell (for me it is), but they look decent and are from reputable guys here, but I don't know - could be what they mix it with and so on, we'll have to see!
    Last edited by The Wolfman; 02-20-2011 at 03:25 PM.

  5. #5
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    Another possibility would be to reduce your dosage. My buddy and I did a cycle of Test P that I made using all USP grade chems and oils. Anyway I never had any symptoms of test flu at all at 700wk, however he did at 500. He started his cycle at 500 wk and by reducing to 400 was able to keep the symptoms at bay just a hundred mg a wk made the difference for him.

    So in your case if you went back to 700 and your body was able to tolerate it, I am sure your gains would far exceed what they are at 900 and being sick.

    Good luck,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Another possibility would be to reduce your dosage. My buddy and I did a cycle of Test P that I made using all USP grade chems and oils. Anyway I never had any symptoms of test flu at all at 700wk, however he did at 500. He started his cycle at 500 wk and by reducing to 400 was able to keep the symptoms at bay just a hundred mg a wk made the difference for him.

    So in your case if you went back to 700 and your body was able to tolerate it, I am sure your gains would far exceed what they are at 900 and being sick.

    Good luck,
    Test flu have happened to me before, but that was my first cycle, and only 3-5 days in the beginning, I don't think this is what that is.

    I think i'm reacting to something in the blend.
    Going to drop it for now and see if it gets better in a week.

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