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Thread: is my goal realistic or not without steroids?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    is my goal realistic or not without steroids?

    right now im 5 10 165 8% bf i had to take 3 months off lifting because of a bulged disc so im still gaining back from what i lost

    my biggest i was 172 8% bf

    now with a lot of itme at least a year probably longer i could imagine myself getting up to 180 8% bf

    my all time goal is about 185-190 about 7% thats where i want to get before the goal will switch from gaining to maintaining

    this is a guess but im assuming it will be in that range

    so at my height and being an ecto how practical does this sound? i mean i know a lot of ppl think anything under 200 is achievable naturally but lets be realistic here at 5 10 you would be a beast if your 190 7% i man greg plitt is 6 1 and about 195-200 about 5 % bf now and im sure we can all agree he has used steroids anyway

    but im just trying to figure out what i need to do to get where i want id like to do it naturally but i have a goal and im gonna reach it weather that is doable naturally or not

    this guy is about 190 im sure around 5% bodyfat and hes 5 9 for and idea of what about my goal is i have a bit different shape and aesthetics than him but hears an idea and maybe you can tell me if you think this would need steroids or doable naturally

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    Wow...nice pic....I just realized I´m fat :-( hehe..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    good diet and you can achieve that naturally no problem.. steroids are only necessary to achieve the "crazy" big look.. everything else can be achieved with diet and dedication..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Wow...nice pic....I just realized I´m fat :-( hehe..
    lol well i mean thats not me this is me at my biggest still got a few more pounds to go till im back there cuz i bulged a disc and had to take 3 months off

    dont want to sound like a dick but id preffer my shape over his i think i have a thinner waist but im only 172 about here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    I believe you can achieve that naturally for sure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I dont see why not.Hard work and good diet Bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I cant interest you in the Jay Cutler look ? Got some good stuff down at the GNC.Guaranted to pack on the muscle LOL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Agree with above. You should stay natural. Your look is the one girls like, so unless you are looking to have other dudes tell you how big you are all the time...stay away from the juice. You look a lot like a friend of mine. He is natually lean and muscular and even though he looks like the rest of us want to, he always thinks he's too small. Don't buy into that hype. Lean and fit is better than bulky any day. Puffy guys at the gym are a dime a dozen. Quality gains take time, but just enjoy the journey, you're already a lot furher along than most.

  9. #9
    You got good solid lean base bro, I would make sure back was healed 100% first then up the cals for solid mass and lift heavy weight low volume. I was in similar position as you had array of supplements instead of juice and put a solid 6 - 8 weeks into it and came out 11 pounds heavier on my bulk, body fat even stayed relatively the same, a lot is about the diet. WORK THE MACHINE, FEED THE MACHINE, REST THE MACHINE= RESULTS!
    Good luck brother hit it hard regardless what you do all about intensity!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    You got a great physique, I always hate when people say they want to look kinda like the guy in this picture...Because most of them simply do not have the genetics to support the goals of appearing like the guy in the picture. However in your case this is certainly not a problem, I think you goals are realistic as far as the additional wieght goes of course the hard part will be maintaining the body fat % as your metabolism starts to slow, but with good diet and workouts I see no reason why you can not achieve your goals.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just keep bulking + cutting and you'll find out in a few years whether you need/want AAS. It's not like you have to decide right now whether you're going to use AAS or not.

    As for your question: yeah, you could probably achieve that naturally. Also, bear in mind that your guy has excellent lighting in that pic. Without it, he wouldn't look half that big/cut.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 02-21-2011 at 11:20 PM.

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