i'm 19, 5'4 and 164lbs (about 14%bf) and have been training for 2 years. my goal is to pass a 2mile run in 17 mins (i have been training for that for 6 months) I've started ttokkyo deca at 150mg every 4 days (12 days into the cycle) for 8 weeks, but my bag was stolen with my winni in it! I can't get anymore winni. i am also doing a clen\eca cycle. i have sustonon 250 but i don't think i should use it because of my age and it won't help my run any. i only have 1 month form now to pass that run, and i really needed that winni. What should i stack my deca with now
? Please don't flame about my age, i didn't start AS for the ladies, its for a legitimate goal. thank you for your help!