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Thread: 19 started deca, but winny was stolen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Angry 19 started deca, but winny was stolen

    i'm 19, 5'4 and 164lbs (about 14%bf) and have been training for 2 years. my goal is to pass a 2mile run in 17 mins (i have been training for that for 6 months) I've started ttokkyo deca at 150mg every 4 days (12 days into the cycle) for 8 weeks, but my bag was stolen with my winni in it! I can't get anymore winni. i am also doing a clen\eca cycle. i have sustonon 250 but i don't think i should use it because of my age and it won't help my run any. i only have 1 month form now to pass that run, and i really needed that winni. What should i stack my deca with now? Please don't flame about my age, i didn't start AS for the ladies, its for a legitimate goal. thank you for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well first of all your too young. But my question is: Why do you think that Deca is safer then Sus? And why do u think Deca is going to help your run? Do you have nolvedex incase u start getting gyno? Do you have clomid for post cycle?
    Sorry bro but I can't and won't give advice to a 19yr old that obviously knows very little if anything at all about Steriods.
    My advice to you is to stop all together...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Please tell me you do not want to do this 17 min 2 mile to pass the police/firefighters exams...

    If so and you've shot deca, I think you just made a big booboo. It's very likely that they will test for roids (I know Montreal police and FD does in their screening exam, as does the RCMP), and of all the products available out there, deca has by FAR the longest detection time in your system (in excess of a year).

    And bro, I know you do not want to hear this, but your body is indeed too young for this stuff.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    MBaraso- Yes i realize most people think i am too young. I beleive Deca is safer than sus because i hav spent about a year reading this site. I DO know my stuff (although i wouldn't beging to compare my knowlege to most people's on this forum). I do not believe deca alone will help my run but my plan was to run it with winny. I also have a strength test so thats why i am not doing winny alone. I don't have nolvedex but i made sure it is readily available to me. The Clomid is upstairs. I'm sorry, i should have explained my cycle better in my first post. After reading a lot of your replys in other threads, I respect your opinion, however; i need AS to pass my PT testing.

    Red Ketchup - The PT tesing is for college, so i can take a policing course. They do not test for AS at my school. I realize that Deca can stay in my system for up to 18 months, but i am not worried about the testing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    ok bro....i usually dont flame, but common...i just checked your case you didn't know this it tells people when you registered on the site....and yours says today....dont lie to people and expect them to help you...and if you cant make the two mile run in 17 mins already you need to probly not pursue this...for my team we have to run 2 miles in 14 mins...and most make it under're obviously not overweight so this shouldn't be a problem

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I don't understand why you need AS to pass your test.
    Deca is a mass builder and will probably increase your weight as well as your bodyfat which in turn will probably make u slower.
    If you've been seriously training for 6 months, running ed, and eating right I think you would have achieved your goal already.
    The only thing that I could recomend to you is to get a pair of strenght shoes and train w/ them. They did wonders for me back in highschool, although I was never a distance runner. They built up my calves and made me much faster.
    But to pass a run like this you need endurance, and the only way your going to get that is by running ed.
    Sorry but I just don't think AS is the magic bullet here. Nor should it ever be considered the quick fix.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Time and time again people are looking for the magic pill... Will they ever learn? And brah, 2 miles in 17 minutes is cake if you would get off your lazy ass and train. I'm also sick and tired of younger people saying "Yes I know what you think, but I know what I am doing", or "my body is done growing"... Sorry to let loose but I'm just tired of reading it.. I busted my ass for years in football and bodybuilding.. I just cant stand people who always look for the easy way out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Alright bro, I gotta apologize for the comment. I didnt mean to be a dick. Anyways, I would do what MBar said and just stop everything. You can easily achieve your goal by training hard. Run the 2 miles everyday (twice a day if you want). Just have someone time you on every run.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    bro not trying to flame you but you can honestly almost walk 2 miles in 17 minutes are you sure its not more than that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    17 min for 2 miles? that is 8:30 for a split per flame here bro but even 8 mins per mile is pretty slow not a runner and i hit 1 mile around 6:15 the last time i tried for time...if you have been training for 6 months without being able to do this and you honestly believe the juice is going to help you then i don't know what to say...reevaluate your training routine and focus on building up your endurance like others have said...if you were overweight and training for 6 months i could see that it would be difficult to hit the 8:30 mark, but you aren't. why you think juicing is going to help you reach your goals is beyond my scope of comprehension...the last thing i would want if trying to beat the clock would be extra mass weighing me down.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by big swoll
    ok bro....i usually dont flame, but common...i just checked your case you didn't know this it tells people when you registered on the site....and yours says today....dont lie to people and expect them to help you...
    I'm not sticking up for this guy - he's way too young to be juicing but maybe he's been reading the posts without being registered. I read the board for about three days before I registered.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    ive been reading this board for 6month before i did register

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Stop your cycle now and go train like most of us do. I didn't do my first cycle until I was in my Mid 30's and I'm reaping the rewards of waiting.

    Besides you are doing the wrong gear for what you want out of them. Get back to studying for awhile bro.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    Well first of all your too young. But my question is: Why do you think that Deca is safer then Sus? And why do u think Deca is going to help your run? Do you have nolvedex incase u start getting gyno? Do you have clomid for post cycle?
    Sorry bro but I can't and won't give advice to a 19yr old that obviously knows very little if anything at all about Steriods.
    My advice to you is to stop all together...
    nolvadex doesn't stop deca based gyno.
    other than that i think this kid doesn't know what he is talking about.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    big swoll i just registered the other day. i have spent over a year reading this site. you don't have to register to read it only to post

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    for all who flammed me___ my "lazy ass" trains 3 hours a day (long rest periods + cardio) 4 days a week. I havn't seen very people my age that put as much effort into training, nutrition and research as i do. If you read my posts you will see that i did not plan on doing a deca-only cycle. i KNOW that alone will not help my run, thats why i had winny. but as i said before, there is also a STRENGTH test! I am an asthmatic that is 5'4, and have to do the run in the snow. I started training at 193 lbs and benched 135 once. now i am 164 and bench 280 once. you don't know me or how i train so it might not be smart to imply that i don't bust my ass. when i started running 6 months ago, my time was 23mins, now it is at 18. i have lost 20 lbs since i started running. i know NOBODY my age that has the didication to train as hard as me. so for you to sit there and make a personal attack on me without knowing me, might not have been the smartes thing to do. if you attack my decisions, that is fine, but DO NOT EVER ATTACK ME! This board is about the sharing of information to help eachother. this reaquires a little bit of mutual respect, and so far i am doing a lot of respecting and not getting a lot back. i want to hear your opinions, thats why i made this thread. just show me a little bit more respect. so if you don't want to treat me as an equal, or assume i don't know what i'm talking about because i'm 19, thats fine, BUT KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!

    physique- i admit that i did not know novadex does not stop deca gyno.

    for those who legitimately tried to help me, thank you.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I still dont understand... Whats your strength test? Bro, I dont think gear is the way to go on this.. Are you really bad at running distance or something? I just dont think you understand that roids arent the best way to go on this..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    D Mc C,

    I don't want to jump on the wagon here since you have your mind set. But I do want to stress that doing steroids and being an asthmatic could lead to some health complications. As you increase your weight again, as you will certainly do on Deca, add in stress from the running and physical exertion, and top it off with an increase in blood pressure, and you could certainly set yourself up for a massive attack or a stroke.

    Why risk all of this when you don't have to? You are in your physical prime right now and with your increase in strength and decrease in bodyfat that you have already achieved, you are in a perfect position to keep building on your successes naturally. If you dial in your nutrition, keep training hard as you already are, and stay focused, you won't need juice. In the end you will be much happier with yourself because you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did it through hard work and dedication without cheating by juicing.

    Keep at the running and it will come. Try mixing up your workouts so your body does not become accustomed to any of the excercises. Throw on a pack, walk up some steep hills for long distances, jump rope, but don't juice because it is not the answer. I think you are just at a frustrating point and want to overcome your weaknesses and you think juice is the way. It isn't!! Keep at it naturally and you will be glad you did in the end!!

    Good Luck!!

    Doc M

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    thank you for your reply Doc M. It is motivating. I appreciate it a lot.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I disslike how most people hate on us youngens. I dont see any great reason not to juice at age 19. Most people are done growing at 18-20. I personaly have a very hard time gaining wait and geting stronger. Im 19 and have been working out hard for 3 years and I never gain near as much as normal guys my age. When I juiced for the 1st time right when i turned 19 it seemed as I was finally getting gains likethe rest of the other guys my age. All I took was T-200, 1 cc every 5 days. I think if your young and you keep small dosages you will be fine. Please comment! Rember , I am young and I dont know as much as yall. I know this has been talked about many times before but w/ my reasoning I want to here some comments... Thanks and sorry for the long post and bothering you elders

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ive even tried creatien and of course keeping the right diet while training but I still never seem to gain. I try to eat more but W/ out juice I just end up craping it all out. The juice helps me absorb more. Do you guys think I still need to wait unill im older to juice so I can finally get bigger. I feel like I have the smallest body frame for 19

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i hear that bronco. i been busting my ass for about three years. the last one has been all out diet, and balls to the wall lifting. i went from a 260lbs tub of shit who could barely squat and bench 135lbs to weighing 225, benching 250lbs and squating about 405. My hair is already falling out and i never get carded at bars im only 19. i really am sure im done growing i look like im at least 30. any way i think i can handle my first cycle coming up this summer but i understand why the vets get pissed. there is a lot of people who just try to get a quick fix and dont do any research. i wouldnt waste your virgin receptors on low dose test only though. if your gonna go you may as well do a cycle. As for the guy who made this thread i would listen to doc and avoid the roids if its gonna cause complications with your asthma.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ok, I did some searching about receptors but I dont see what differencs it is between a beginner w/ virgin receptors or a vet who takes enough time off between cycles. Are your receptore really that much better when you 1st start, Am I never going to beable to absorb my gear as much as I get older. Some info or a link would be great..Thanks!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Your body does not mature until you reach 21 years of age (or thereabouts). In your late teens your endocrine system (hormone system) is maturing and 'settling down'. If you juice during this period it's possible to damage your endocrine system which can result in your body producing less testosterone than it should, for the rest of your life.

    In your late teens you have more natural testosterone running through your body than any other time in your life. Use this natural advantage to train hard and build your body.

    Here's a link to a site which will give you a basic understanding of the endocrine system and how hormones work in the body . . .
    Last edited by FedSki; 03-13-2003 at 04:04 AM.

  25. #25
    All right, I read this and maybe I am missing something. How is gear going to help anyone run two miles in under 17 minutes? As has been stated, that is not a huge achievement. If you have been training like you said and cannot yet do this, you may likely have a medical condition that is hindering your efforts. Having a bronchial or asthma type problem would keep you from reaching these goals. And having a condition like this would not be conducive to the introduction of steroids.

    Marathon and other distance type runners are not generally on steroids. Muscle bulk hinders their training and results. The only thing they use is clen which dialates the bronchial passages and helps their breathing over distances. But again this is not to be taken lightly, especially if you do not know if you have any medical issues or not.

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