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Thread: HGH for non-fusing bone healing?

  1. #1

    HGH for non-fusing bone healing?

    Hey guys--

    Back in December I had happen to me what is all of our worst fears--some kid in his car pulled into my lane and smashed me, breaking the medicarpals #4 and #5 in my left hand.

    Long story short, It's been roughly 10 weeks in a cast and tomorrow I go in for plates/screws to be put in my hand. My bones were just not fusing correctly.

    I wanted to ask you guys your thoughts of a low dose 3iu/ed "cycle" of hgh would speed my recovery up? I was training for a show in August and now I want to shoot for NEXT august--but I need to get this bone healed quickly, I'm at the end of my rope. I've been out of the gym too long.

    I'm 28 years old, 6'2" 262 (was 287 at time of accident) and have 15 years of bodybuilding experience. I want to see what you all recommend to this down in the dumps fellow brother of the iron. I want to use hgh to heal, but want you all to let me know your thoughts.

    Hope to hear from you all soon.


  2. #2
    HGH definitely help me heal my shoulder faster. It does help retain moisture in collagen and helps healing. There very little blood flow in your wrist. I definitely think HGH can help. You're a little young and you have to weigh the benefits vs the down side.

  3. #3


    what would the negatives be in your opinion?

  4. #4
    You could stunt your natural pulses of growth hormone. That mean you're IGF levels might be "normal" but would be on the low side of "normal." HGH helps release the release of serotonin, the feel good hormone. The lack of HGH and serotonin could start you into depression. There are a lot of good things that HGH does for you. You should google it. 30 is about when most people start HGH. 28 is pretty close to 30. That's why I say you should look at the potential benefits and weight it against the potential down side.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    HGH definitely help me heal my shoulder faster. It does help retain moisture in collagen and helps healing. There very little blood flow in your wrist. I definitely think HGH can help. You're a little young and you have to weigh the benefits vs the down side.
    Absolutly Agree with you ScotchGuard02 i use to do HGH because i was having some Height Issues and the only thing that i truly noticed is that my injuries was recovering faster when i was on HGH!

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