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Thread: T-Bol Vs Anavar Vs D-Bol

  1. #1

    T-Bol Vs Anavar Vs D-Bol

    im lookin forward to start using Anabolics but not sure what to take. Never taken them before and i wanna start out with orals first then move up to injections. im looking for something that will give me fast gains for strength and help get me ripped. but least bad side effects possible (Bitch tits, bloating, acne etc.) which would be best for me to start out with and what should i take with it?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats?
    How long have you been training?

  3. #3
    Bench-185, Squat-290,clean-215
    Been training for 2 and a half years consistently and I'm not looking for proffesionl body building stuff just to get bigger and more ripped

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't need steroids you need to sort your diet out drastically. It would be totally pointless in starting aas anyway because you don't have a diet to support any kind of muscle thats plain to see looking at your stats. You need to build a foundation and base and this takes time to accomplish. First you need to start eating like a bodybuilder because at the moment your eating like a woman!

    Head over tot he diet section and post your daily diet, let everyone re-design it for you, then you need to stick with the new diet for many months and build more size and base, steroids don't work if you have got a base or your eating to support the muscle tissue.

  5. #5
    I usually eat alot but I got into a wreck and all my lifts went down greatly and lost 30 pounds... But once I get back up what should I use ?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your 168lbs at 6ft 2 you don't have any base to use steriods, you need to build a foundation with a solid diet this will take over 12 months plus,

  7. #7
    What's good base weight?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GR13 View Post
    try tren, a guy told me it can cause fat loss and make u stronger
    I think GR13 is officially a troll

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your 168lbs at 6ft 2 you don't have any base to use steriods, you need to build a foundation with a solid diet this will take over 12 months plus,
    Doesn't it depend from person to person what the 'ideal foundation' is? I've been working out for years and am about the same build (6'2" 170 lbs. @ 8% bf)as the OP. My starting weight (before steady weight training) was about 140 lbs. At one point when I didn't have a job and was eating more (was still working out consistently) I had an extra 20 lbs. of fat on me (over 190 lbs. @ 18% bf). So although my weight is pretty low for my height (compared to bigger framed people), I know this is all my frame can handle naturally. So what alot of you guys on these boards are saying is that guys 6'+ have to get to 220 lbs.+ naturally before they have the right to use steroids. What if the guy can't get to 200 lbs.+ naturally? Just because some of you are able to get big naturally just by training and increasing calories, doesn't mean everyone else can. In my opinion, if you believe you are at your natural peak (regardless of how 'light' you are compared to other heavier people) and are over 25 years old then I don't see the harm in going on a consevative cycle.

  10. #10
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    If your 6'2 and cant hit a lean 200 pounds then you are not eating or training right its quite simple, I'm 5'7 and 194 pounds at 15% bf which is 164.9 pounds of lean mass, your 6'2 at 8% which is 156.4 pounds of lean mass. If thats all you can put on with that height then you have an issue.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaZr View Post
    If your 6'2 and cant hit a lean 200 pounds then you are not eating or training right its quite simple, I'm 5'7 and 194 pounds at 15% bf which is 164.9 pounds of lean mass, your 6'2 at 8% which is 156.4 pounds of lean mass. If thats all you can put on with that height then you have an issue.
    Yeah this is what I'm saying. I tried different things but am unable to get to a lean 200 lbs. I wish I could somehow give you my genetics even for a short period of time. After a few weeks of training your ass off and eating like a sumo wrestler for just minimal gains I'd put money on the fact that you'd be contemplating suicide. From my point of view 194 lbs. @ 15% bf on a 5'7" frame (I'm assuming you're all natural) is pretty amazing. If you started doing a few cycles sounds like you could compete in bodybuilding. Bottom line is guys like you with decent/good genetics will never understand what it's like to have bad genetics. On the flipside (and I'm not referring to you personally), I bet alot of guys who are 5'7" would give their left nut to be taller, even if that meant having ectomorph genetics. If the best I can achieve is the Brad Pitt physique from Fight Club, so be it. But I guess more women would find that more attractive than the Greg Valentino physique...

  12. #12
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    Lol I would def love to be taller

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMcB View Post
    Yeah this is what I'm saying. I tried different things but am unable to get to a lean 200 lbs. I wish I could somehow give you my genetics even for a short period of time. After a few weeks of training your ass off and eating like a sumo wrestler for just minimal gains I'd put money on the fact that you'd be contemplating suicide. From my point of view 194 lbs. @ 15% bf on a 5'7" frame (I'm assuming you're all natural) is pretty amazing. If you started doing a few cycles sounds like you could compete in bodybuilding. Bottom line is guys like you with decent/good genetics will never understand what it's like to have bad genetics. On the flipside (and I'm not referring to you personally), I bet alot of guys who are 5'7" would give their left nut to be taller, even if that meant having ectomorph genetics. If the best I can achieve is the Brad Pitt physique from Fight Club, so be it. But I guess more women would find that more attractive than the Greg Valentino physique...
    Like Marcus said, you need to get to the diet section. Diet is everything bro!!

  14. #14
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    What exactly is your diet Halfrican and SMcB ? I am 27 and am 195 / 10% bf 5'11ish . I managed to go from 175-195 simply redoing my diet which I thought was pretty good before. Turned out I was not getting enough protein, now I cleanly get 3000-3200 cals, 250-300 protein, and around 600 carbs. Makes the world of a difference
    Last edited by Panamera; 02-21-2011 at 08:08 PM.

  15. #15
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    OK, maybe I'll admit my diet may not be that optimal. Being a severe ecto, I just figured I could eat anything I wanted to (high fat, high carb, fast food, etc.) I never did go on a super high protein diet (1+ gram per bodyweight) before. Does your protein come from real food, or is it a combo of food + protein powders? I guess I may in fact have to visit the diet section for a

  16. #16
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    Post your diet- you will get some good critique. If you are ashamed to even write anything about it my guess is that it is not in check at all. Fast food is NOT the foundation for building quality muscle. If you are serious about this stuff you should ONLY be eating certain things like chicken, steak, fish, rice, vegetables, cottage cheese, fruit, oatmeal, eggs, etc. etc.

  17. #17
    Well like i said before I weighed more and had good diet but after my wreck I couldn't eat as much and lost alot of weight... I can get back up to 215 easily. I just wanted to know what to take when I get there in the future and my friend wants to take some too and he is alot bigger than me and is reading on this thread as well..

  18. #18
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    When you get back up to 215, I am sure people will help you out with your cycle.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMcB View Post
    Doesn't it depend from person to person what the 'ideal foundation' is? I've been working out for years and am about the same build (6'2" 170 lbs. @ 8% bf)as the OP. My starting weight (before steady weight training) was about 140 lbs. At one point when I didn't have a job and was eating more (was still working out consistently) I had an extra 20 lbs. of fat on me (over 190 lbs. @ 18% bf). So although my weight is pretty low for my height (compared to bigger framed people), I know this is all my frame can handle naturally. So what alot of you guys on these boards are saying is that guys 6'+ have to get to 220 lbs.+ naturally before they have the right to use steroids. What if the guy can't get to 200 lbs.+ naturally? Just because some of you are able to get big naturally just by training and increasing calories, doesn't mean everyone else can. In my opinion, if you believe you are at your natural peak (regardless of how 'light' you are compared to other heavier people) and are over 25 years old then I don't see the harm in going on a consevative cycle.
    Its simple, if you cant gain weight natural then your not eating the correct foods and your not having enough of it. If your 150lbs and you want to be 190lbs you need to start eating like one!

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