Alright so I have posted my stats and have had some of my ideas critiqued and have put the final touches on my cycle, but first my stats again.
27 Years of age
10% body fat
14 years training experience with Alternating HIT / Power Lifting Meso Cycles
3000 Cal diet 300Protein 600Carbs
450 Dead Lift
315 Bench Press
350 Squat
Looking for 10-15 pound body mass increase after PCT, and 25-30 pound increase on lifts with 25+ pounds on working reps.
Test E 400 mg per week week 1-10 w/t Front load (Would certainly consider using 350 mg as per Swifto's thread)
Week 1 400mg Monday morning / 400mg Thurs evening
Week 3 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 4 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 5 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 6 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 7 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 8 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 9 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Week 10 200mg Monday morning / 200mg Thurs evening
Aromasin 10mg EOD week 4-12 (End 4 days prior to PCT)
HCG 2x250 iu/week at Test E dosing schedule Week 4-12 (End 4 days prior to PCT)
Nolva on hand
Week 12-16 PCT
clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
Am I good to go?