02-21-2011, 02:55 AM #1
Test e, Accutane, PCT and a whole lot of questions!
Hey guys I'm new to the forum, first post.
Im 21 175 lbs been workout out for a few years now and ready to join the darkside!
I'm going to be taking 400mg test e, for 12 weeks, but that's not the problem. Since 15 or 16 ive had acne, not the most horrible but I consider it bad. Ive tried creams, even perscribed creams from my family doc. I gota guy who sells accutane and I'm going to take 20mg everyday with my cycle, ive read that accutane shouldnt give you problems with your cycle unless your taking orals. Soooo this leaves me boggled, even though the test e is injected, the clomid and nolva arent! I don't want to put my liver through hell! Any ideas!? Is a pct needed for just a low dose test e cycle? HELP!
02-21-2011, 03:00 AM #2
You dont need steroids yet, you need to carry on building a foundation and base. Your also to young you dont want to be shutting down your natural testosterone before your body isnt fully developed, you can end up with low test for life, head over to the diet section and post your diet.
02-21-2011, 03:59 AM #3
Marcus with all do respect, i appreciate your advice i honestly do. but i feel im ready
02-21-2011, 05:38 AM #4
You might be ready emotionally but your endocrine system might not have fully matured. Are you ready to poke a pin you for the rest of your life? That's what'll happen in you shut down permanently. It's either a pin in the rear or a limp unit. Seems like a tough way to live for such a young man.
02-21-2011, 05:51 AM #5Junior Member
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Accutane PLUS gear?
Hell no.
That shit is harsh as it is. Finish accutane first, then worry about gearing, if the accutane does its job (after the amount of courses you need), you shouldn't get pimples on cycle.
Either way, at 21 and a mere 175lbs, it isn't worth jumping on the gear.
02-21-2011, 06:35 AM #6
It doesnt matter if you feel you are, your body isnt ready. Do you want to have problems with getting an erection? do you want low libido?
I have recently spoken to my Endo regarding this matter and he tells me that the HPTA is very sensitive and as many pathways how it regulates the human body, he states steroids disrupt the normal balance of hormones in the body which can cause reversible and irreversible changes at any age but risks are far more if you administrate exogenous androgens during development, this will put you in a very unnatural environment at a crucial time and your hormones should be treated with care especially in the early stages of maturity. The adverse effects can be erratic behaviour of the HPTA and potentially therapy when your older.
I did ask him what age he would think would be the safest as far as risk to damages and he said many endocrinologist suggest full maturation is reached by 25 years of age and this would also give the HPTA time to be established with your natural hormone balance and patterns. I personally feel 24-25yrs old would also be ideal starting point to get bloodwrok drawn to see exact what your natural levels are before starting any kind of cycles and waiting till you have reach your testosterone peak would be a good starting point, for me there is to much evidence over the forums and what I've seen personally over the last 25yrs I've been bodybuilding. Obviously it isn't going to be all 19- 21yr old bodybuilders who suffer side effects what are irreversible but I am edging on the side of caution what age I advice to the newbies.
02-21-2011, 11:00 AM #7
02-21-2011, 02:24 PM #8New Member
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its really weird how lots of humans never learn from their mistakes, or learn anything in general; mostly because people tend to close their minds to the opinions and advice of others.
Dont let your ego destroy you. big muscles arent to get you far in life unless youve decided on becoming the next mr. olympia.
they wont get you women, they wont make you indestructable, they will only boost your ego until it needs to be fed more.
i see kids my age in the gym roided out of their minds, and i can pciture what they will be like in 10 years.
why screw with your body? its the only one you will ever have.
steroids can be good once you reach a certain age, and id say that age should be the time when you body really begins to plateu in every way and is on the brink of decline.
your health is the most valuable thing in your life.
02-21-2011, 09:00 PM #9
Thanks lifteat sleep, ill finish the accutane first then do my gear, as for everyone else, i know im young and obviously very inexperienced, i appreciate all your advice guys, trust me i do understand your only looking out for me, thanks alot guys! Will post again after accutane!
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