I am 24, will be 25 in July and have been training since junior year of high school. I have researched and gained knowledge from others over the years of pro-hormones and AAS. I have never done an AAS cycle but 2 years ago did 2 cycles of the pro-hormone SUS-500 (the regular verison not black) and gained 25lbs approx first bottle and 12lbs the second. I loved this stuff and would prefer to take it again rather than real gear but the stuff is no longer manufactured and has become illegal along with a host of other pro-hormone supplements. I am currently 187 and am looking to begin my first cycle within the next week.
I also have inquired to a few users I have met in the gym and through friends. I personally feel I am physically and mentally ready to do my first cycle and am well aware of the components of the AAS and side effects (long and short term.) As with any decision there are risks as well as rewards and it is my own personal choice and belief to begin this cycle would be beneficial towards my goals. I have no specific on-cycle weight goal but after proper PCT I hope to keep at least 12lbs. of solid muscle gain. I am at about 14-15% BF and incorporate heavy sets or 6-10 reps. My current routine is mon-chest, tues-back-bis, wed-legs, thurs-shoulders/traps, fri- Tris and i do abs once every 2 days. I change up the routine every 3-4 weeks to avoid muscle memory and attempt heavier weighted sets every week. My diet is solid with about 4000 cals a day, 250grams of protein, and as many carbs/fat i can cram into my mouth.
My proposed cycle is 400mg of Test-e for the 1 week followed by 500mg the next 9 weeks
4 weeks of d-bol at 30mg the 1st week and 40mg the next 3.
Nolvadex for 6 weeks as PCT.
One question I have is if im currently taking creatine monohydrate (powder form) should i continue while on cycle and if so at what dosage? Any diet, weight-training and PCT suggestions are greatly appreciated and welcomed.
I have already learned a lot and enjoyed reading many of your contriubtions and look forward to hearing more. Stay big!