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Thread: Who ran masteron with test? results?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    the gym

    Who ran masteron with test? results?

    Been thinking of adding masteron to my test cycle, had shoulder surgery and been unable to work out for months and months, planning on my recovery cycle shortly, been reading some good things about its abilities to prevent estrogen related sides. anyone used this with their test before?

    29yrs old 6 ft
    was 214@9% before shoulder surgery
    previous cycles include
    test P and tren, winny 3 diff cycles
    sust/omnadren and deca 3 differant cycles

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Using it at 100mg/EOD with Test Prop at the same dosage. I'm about 15-16% right now and its adding size. Dont believe poeple who parrot you HAVE to use it at a low bf%. Its probably better (se more) at a low bf%, but it still works well with a bulking diet and adds lbs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    the gym
    Thanks,, You know anything about the anti effects it may have on estro conversion? or is this just hear say? Becasue if its true that would be very nice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    as swifto said, mast is amazing i used it in my last two cycles with prop. the first time at 150mg eod and the 2nd at 100mg eod. If you are sub 10% though you will really start to pop. It is only cosmetics though once you stop it goes away. I will mention though it made me fierce in the gym and i felt like a stallion. I lost a shit load of hair though. i just shave my head when on it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mikeytraps View Post
    Been thinking of adding masteron to my test cycle, had shoulder surgery and been unable to work out for months and months, planning on my recovery cycle shortly, been reading some good things about its abilities to prevent estrogen related sides. anyone used this with their test before?

    29yrs old 6 ft
    was 214@9% before shoulder surgery
    previous cycles include
    test P and tren, winny 3 diff cycles
    sust/omnadren and deca 3 differant cycles
    I love MASTERON. Stacks real well with some testosterone. When I'm already lean it turns my body to stone like granite.

  6. #6
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I ran Masteron with test e and I was like concrete at the end of the cycle. Made me hard as hell.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I lose hair on it more so than any other DHT I have run. I can pull my chest hair or from my had and end up with a good few strands in my hand after!

    Agression is also up and labido is a joke on DHT's.

    In regards to estrogen, I tend to take an even lower dose of my AI. I wil take 10mg 3x week on cycle, not the usualy EOD or ED, depending on total aromotasable dose.

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