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Thread: it even worth it ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    tri state

    it even worth it ?

    this form has helped me out a lot before in the past w my diet and it really helped me reach my goals of leaning out. i understand that diet and cardio are the most important parts of getting lean. i know this is only an excuse but i had wrist surgery in october and aside from the past month i hadnt been motivated enough to get in the gym and JUST do cardio. i def slacked off on my diet too ive since cleaned up my diet, hitting cardio (sometimes 2x day) and been giving clearance to lift light weights. ive been told here before you should be at least around 12% bf before you even think about cycling anything but a buddy of mine is trying to convince me that if i get on HGH it will not only help my wrist but help me lean out considerably in 3 months. judging from my pic do you think im wasting my money with what hes telling me ? is AS an option or am i just too far out to even be thinking about this. im not into competition but im just trying to get my body right again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    tri state
    cant figure out how to upload an image but
    5 ft 8
    205lb 25%bf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    1st step is getting that diet in check. def want to cut that bf% before thinking of anything. it doesn take much to drop that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    You want to be careful going on anything with an injury at all as any work out is going to end up straining your connective tissue more than a non-cycle day at the gym.
    I would plan 6 months out at least for a cycle if you feel like you need to. Then take the next 6 months and just recover and get your CNS and Connective Tissue used to lifting again. After all of that a Test Only Cycle might be fine, I suggest making sure your at or under 15% BF although it does effect each person differently.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    You want to be careful going on anything with an injury at all as any work out is going to end up straining your connective tissue more than a non-cycle day at the gym.
    I would plan 6 months out at least for a cycle if you feel like you need to. Then take the next 6 months and just recover and get your CNS and Connective Tissue used to lifting again. After all of that a Test Only Cycle might be fine, I suggest making sure your at or under 15% BF although it does effect each person differently.
    agree, i just had acl surgery 3 months ago and they wont even give me steriod shots in my back for my messed up disc. They said it will just cause problems with the healing of my knee. Also dont go to the gym and over due it you do not want to go through another surgery. I know this from experience with my knee i have had 3 surgies just cause i didnt want to take the time and proper therapy before running again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You will not see any gains from HGH for 6 mos.That is a min run.Get your diet in line bf down.And pick smarter were there once you will again.Dont look for short cuts.Good luck see you in the gym

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