I'm 25, 6 foot 2 inches tall and I'm right around 195 lbs. Ive been working out since I was 19.
I have been lurking these boards for a while and finally came around to wanting to do a cycle. Age-wise I think I'm in a good time frame and mentally I'm prepared.
I just put an order in for my first cycle and I have been reading a lot. Here is what I have so far for my cycle:
2 week prime:
nolva 10 mg every day
arimidex .25mg every day
8 week cycle:
test e on Monday and Thursday 500 mg a week (250 each day)
nolva 10 mg every day
arimidex .25mg every day
start pct 14 days after last test injection
days 1-7: Nolva 40 mg every day; 100 mg of clomid every day
days 8-30: Nolva 20 mgs every day; 50 mg of clomid every day
Diet and supp questions:
now for some questions... I read that a good guideline for diet is 25 cals for every lb of body weight while on cycle.. i already am consuming 1.5 grams of protein per lb..
right now i consume around 3500 cals a day. according to this guideline i need to up my intake about 1300 more calories.. will i be hungrier on cycle??
I enjoy a preworkout sup every now and then.. can i continue use of this on cycle??
training questions:
I lift 5 times a week and I follow layne nortons power hypertrophy workout routine. I love it. But would a more conventional split with higher volume be better on cycle??
thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read this and reply. I've done hours of research on this stuff but the diet and training area is still a little fuzzy