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  1. #1
    Slayer of Souls is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005

    Oral End of Cycle

    Currently on week 7 of a

    500mg Test/week 1-14
    400mg Deca / week 1-12
    40mg Dbol 1-4 week
    HCG 1000 e3d -14-16
    16 + nolva

    I was thinking about adding a oral towards the end of the cycle. I have gone from 198 to 215lbs i am 5'9.

    I have packed on a good amount of mass. My diet is clean, however if I add in more calories I just tend to get fatter. My inzer belt has started to get tight on me. I know if i keep trying to bulk, the amount i gain will pretty much be all fat. How do you guys deal with this?

    Any suggestions? I have been bulking for the past 6 years. I was thinking about going on a bit of a cut towards the end of the cycle.

  2. #2
    Shroud83 is offline Junior Member
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    Normally an oral is used to kick-start a cycle, as you have done in your present cycle. You are going to want to be careful about cutting at the end of your cycle and for a little while thereafter. Your body is going to be trying to flip back around and get rid of all this new weight and if you encourage that by going on a cutting cycle, you stand to lose quite a lot of your gains. My personal strategy is going to be to stay on a bulking routine though my whole first cycle, pct, my 16-week break, and then I will run another cycle in which I will be cutting.

    That's just me and I'm no expert on the matter, just some points you may want to research further.


  3. #3
    Slayer of Souls is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005
    bump anyone else

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can use a oral at the back end of the cycle, its normally called back loading and it is ran right up to pct start time, but that choice is yours.

    You need to adjust the calories as you start to gain weight so your calories support the new found tissue/gains. You also need to tighten your added calories up if your gaining bf, keep them lean and you shouldn't have a problem with fat gain.

    I wouldn't cut toward the end of the cycle, your going to need to increase calories in pct and if your restricting them you will lose more or less all gains you have built.

  5. #5
    Slayer of Souls is offline Junior Member
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    Ill post up some pics get your input

  6. #6
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    Great idea and has worked very nicely for me always. Some mild oral with moderate dose, run it in the end all the way to the start of PCT while test+deca clears from your system.

    Also called "back loading" or "anabolic bridge to pct"

  7. #7
    Slayer of Souls is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005
    Any suggestions for an oral towards the end?

    I am bored of dbol

  8. #8
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i wouldnt do dbol at the end. i wouldnt do dbol in general. i would want something that is dry at the end of a cycle.
    var or tbol would be my choice

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