Will steroids cause any disabilty or mental retardation to your future children ?
Will it only have these effects while you are on cycle or off cycle as well ?
Does only a few cycles garuntee this ?
Will steroids cause any disabilty or mental retardation to your future children ?
Will it only have these effects while you are on cycle or off cycle as well ?
Does only a few cycles garuntee this ?
They'll be born with chizzled abs and 20" pythons. No, but seriously I personally have not read any studies linking steroid use to birth defects/mental retardation. Only potential male infertility.
There is no proof it does anything to your unconcieved children. Many guys on here have had kids while cycling.
I've only heard of a potential for defects if the mother is the one using AAS.
I hope not. Planing having one some time next year or so.
I have many friends who have had kids while on aas.No problems.I also never read anything concerning this either.Good luck.
one of my best bros concieved his kid on cycle...the kids hair looks like beetlejuice and he is allergic to peanuts. i dont think it is related to the gear but it is what it is
I have heard of this, only vaguely, when women use AAS during pregnancy. I haven't heard anything about men though.
There have been many studies on the use of different test as birth control. I already have my childeren so i am not going to read them. I am sure they have followed future births as part of the studies. You might google to see if you can read any of these. I am sure if there was any negitive news it would have been all over the news telling us how steroids is still slightly worse than crack!
Thank you for the responses
i was worryed lol
know tons of dudes who have had kids while on cycle. none have had any issues
And let's not forget, if you have a daughter, you'll be the big, roided out, over-protective father figure. Just another plus for being on the juice.
Nothing to worry about at all.
My son was conceived on cycle, and he was born 2 weeks ago happy and healthy.
don't know if this is why but I had a baby w/ downs syndrome that died at 8 months into pregnancy. I don't think it had anything to do w/ aas but who knows. I know i have one other healthy boy who was made while i was also on... RIP(JAG) lil buddy. You would have been a great one!!
I was on a huge bulking cycle when I conceived my child. Except for her being extremely healthy and at a perfect weight no problems what so ever.
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