So I'm in week 6 of my first cycle and doing great.
500mg of test e ew
100mg of proviron ed
.5 mg adex eod (which I'm dropping to every 3rd day because i have had no sign of sides at all)
test kicked in at about 4 weeks my strength went way up and now I'm up 9 lbs from when i started.
My question is I have to give the trt doc bloodwork in 3 1/2 weeks, I blew him off last month and he refilled my script without it but he's not going to do it again. Can i switch to test prop (which i have on hand) for a few weeks and just let my levels drop off the week i give blood? Or should I just lay off the test e for a week and let my levels drop for the bloodwork, then get right back on? How should i handle this? any advice is appreciated
I'm 40 y/o
first cycle
6'2" 209 lbs (started at 200lbs)