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Thread: Opinions on Test E low-dose cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Opinions on Test E low-dose cycle

    Just asking for opinions. I'm about to start a mild test e cycle, it's gonna be only 8weeks because I have a long business trip scheduled after 11weeks and I have to get PCT started before that as well. This is no problem, I'll do proper frontload first week to get blood levels peak at week 2 and then I keep them stable until the end.

    Looking for mild dose as test gives me pretty harsh sides and I'm very prone to MPB hairloss.

    I'm no newbie with this stuff and I have multiple cycles done in past.

    First, I was thinking about 250mg pinned every E5D. It's 350mg/w, and that would be pretty much optimal dose I think. But what do you think by _experience_, anybody who has done that. Is E5D too long...?

    Then my 2nd choice is 250mg E4D which averages to ~440mg/w. This is little bit on the high side with the dose, but will provide more stable blood levels. What do you think?

    Third and very mild option is to split the amps and pin 0,5ml every other day. This is 290mg/w and will provide VERY stable blood levels. But is 290mg too low to have any benefits...? I have done few cycles allready.

    Opinions, ideas? From anyone who has actually done this kind of cycles with Enanthate or Cyp.

    training 8years
    cycles: 3-4x (test,dbol,tbol,anavar)

    HCG 250iu 2x week for last few weeks, Nolva 40mg/d 1week + Nolva 20mg/d 2weeks (total 3weeks nolva)

    P.S. Propionate is NOT an option, and I want to stay away from orals this time too. MAYBE just 10mg of dbol each day to boost up the cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    United States
    I ran my first cycle of test at 350mg EW when I was 24. I learnd more about diet and programs than results from steroids. I felt it was not enough, but I continued to do things right for 2 more years before my 2nd cycle at 500mg EW. Resuts were much better. This was 14 years ago, so we did not have the information you have today. Most of mine was from 2 books and gym talk, so I just did not listen to the diet talk until I started sticking a neddle in my butt!
    If you think your diet is right, go with E4D.

  3. #3
    I say that with your experience, you could feel gains on 250 a week. I personally have had very good results with only 250mg's a week. Now, I do believe it to be a good idea to move that up to 350-500mg's for great results. I will say that everyone can respond slightly different, but you will feel the effects at week three most notably. I hope that helps you a little. I like to have set pin days, like tuesday and thursady, but even that depends on the compound and ester.

    Good luck, man.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    IMO 250mg for 8 weeks wont yield great results unless you use prop which would be a much better choice! test e take 4-5 weeks to kick in so do the math.

    250mg is ok but if you ran 400-500mg for 10=12 weeks you will be much happier with your gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    100mg of prop eod would be best for an 8 weeker

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    Option 1 or 2. E4D/E5D won´t make much difference in blood levels. Half life Test E/C is 1 week. So....about 7% change in Test in your blood from day 4 to big deal.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks for responses. So is there anybody that has done both, E4D or E5D, and in the other hand EOD? Is there really any benefits to pin test e that often? As some say that it's less sides like estrogen, acne, dht (hairloss) etc... Obviously I want to keep sides as small as possible.

    btw, some articles say that actually more frequently you pin test, the more it aromatizes to DHT. And in the other hand, the bigger the single dose is, the more it aromatizes to estrogen in the end. Is there any true in that?

    Prop is not an option as it doesn't treat me too nice, I've done few test prop tryouts with different props, it always causes me a low-grade fever feeling that won't go away until I end it. Everytime the same thing, and that ruins all workouts and gains, and makes me feel like shit. That's why it's long esters only from now on.

    However, the kick-in should not be a problem, I calculated it with roidcalc and with accurate frontloading the active test levels in bloodstream are exactly the same at week 2 than with prop cycle. No big difference there.

    I think the 350mg/w could be the optimal point what comes to gains vs. sides - but I'm still not 100% sure if E5D is too long frequency or not? More experiences on that?

    I wonder if it causes too much rollercoaster in blood levels and by that excess acne etc. Some say that even E7D is ok with Enanthate but that sounds crazy.
    Last edited by Redial; 03-03-2011 at 08:12 AM.

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