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Thread: Where does this stuff come from ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Where does this stuff come from ?

    I have been real curious as to where all the good gear thats going around actually comes from ? I mean lets say you have a source that has a huge supply of whatever you can imagine , where did they get it from ? Does it all look the same ? I guess I am trying to develop a keen eye for bogus gear , or a keen eye for real gear depends on which way you want to look at it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Let me be more specific lets say you had 5 rock solid legitimate sources and you bought , just say , 20ml of test e from each of them . Would they all look the same ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    no.. there are really good fakes out there where you would not be able to tell the difference.. the only way to make sure you get good gear is by trusting your source

  4. #4
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    Aug 2009
    You're not going to get anywhere by asking convoluted questions like this. You just need to get on source boards and start reading and looking around until you understand how it all works.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Leeboo, here is the thing, no matter how reliable your source is or how many people swear by them, you're dealing with black market gear. There is always a chance you're getting a fake or some UGL gear. That being said, if you investigate the source and the gear you specifically buy from this source, you can minimize the risk. Any by the way, not all fakes are necessarily bad. It could be some UGL that makes good gear and wants to move it fast, so they try to make it look like a name brand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thats what I was trying to understand . btw Bonaparte I wasnt hinting for a source, by asking these questions I am trying to learn. I was, and still am a little confused , so basically unless you truly know your source their is no real way of telling if its a fake or not ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Not unless you took it to a chemist with the ability to test it.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by leebo73 View Post
    Thats what I was trying to understand . btw Bonaparte I wasnt hinting for a source, by asking these questions I am trying to learn. I was, and still am a little confused , so basically unless you truly know your source their is no real way of telling if its a fake or not ?
    I am not sure what you mean by "fake". I would think fake means it isn't what the label says it is, or there is no actual Test in the oil. It could say Test Cyp and be from a thousand places...and it could very well be Test Cyp.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    It all comes from biochemist

  10. #10
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    Well really, it mostly all comes from a few chemical factories in China and trickles down through various black-market operations to end-users.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    No Sources Given
    Go to the local gym, get to know people you will soon see some guys who seem like likely candidates after you get to know them and find out who sells juice tell them that you don't need any now but plan to do a cycle in the spring and are wondering if they also sell PCT chems and HCG. This will let them know you are not a cop since a cop will always wan't to buy 1000 vials yesterday, also it will allow you to evaluate them. If they say you got lucky asking them now cause they only have 6 bottles but will sell them to you to save for spring RUN lol. What you want is a guy who has juice now and will still have juice in spring as this kind of stability means he is not selling fakes by choice and probably is not selling fake cause he bought them and needs to unload them. While not everyone who sells juice also sells PCT gear or HCG many either do or will tell you where and how to get them and pins since they are part of what a happy customer needs. On the other hand a rip-off may not even know what PCT is and will usaully not deal with PCT chems and HCG as the profit margin is not nearly as good as fake gear. Just a side note if you are at a gym where a lot of cops work out try to find the guy who is not a cop but seems to know and hang out with most of them, since about half the cops I know who lift also juice

    Anyway a stable seller is the one who is best to deal with as he/she is the most likely to have good goods. Of course another approach if the person has prop for sale is to go ahead and buy 3 10ml bottles. It's pretty cheap so it will not break the bank, and if you are familiar with Prop you will know in only a few (3-6) injections if its real or not, where as with Test E or Cyp it will take weeks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    ^^^^ What Far from massive said...

    All though, I have a buddy who can squirt it on his tongue and tell you how good it is. He's been 99% accurate to date, but been on juice for years....

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Go to the local gym, get to know people you will soon see some guys who seem like likely candidates after you get to know them and find out who sells juice tell them that you don't need any now but plan to do a cycle in the spring and are wondering if they also sell PCT chems and HCG. This will let them know you are not a cop since a cop will always wan't to buy 1000 vials yesterday, also it will allow you to evaluate them. If they say you got lucky asking them now cause they only have 6 bottles but will sell them to you to save for spring RUN lol. What you want is a guy who has juice now and will still have juice in spring as this kind of stability means he is not selling fakes by choice and probably is not selling fake cause he bought them and needs to unload them. While not everyone who sells juice also sells PCT gear or HCG many either do or will tell you where and how to get them and pins since they are part of what a happy customer needs. On the other hand a rip-off may not even know what PCT is and will usaully not deal with PCT chems and HCG as the profit margin is not nearly as good as fake gear. Just a side note if you are at a gym where a lot of cops work out try to find the guy who is not a cop but seems to know and hang out with most of them, since about half the cops I know who lift also juice

    Anyway a stable seller is the one who is best to deal with as he/she is the most likely to have good goods. Of course another approach if the person has prop for sale is to go ahead and buy 3 10ml bottles. It's pretty cheap so it will not break the bank, and if you are familiar with Prop you will know in only a few (3-6) injections if its real or not, where as with Test E or Cyp it will take weeks.
    Wow bro, you really do have way too much free time. lol

    BTW, that's not at all what the OP was asking.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fevershock View Post
    ^^^^ What Far from massive said...

    All though, I have a buddy who can squirt it on his tongue and tell you how good it is. He's been 99% accurate to date, but been on juice for years....
    ROFL. There is no possible way you can tell by tasting it. All you taste is the solvents.

  15. #15
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    From someone who has been scammed once before, my first purchase I got amps. I figured how much more secure could that be? Amps must be impossible to fake right? Man was I wrong. They sure enough looked real alright, but it was fake ass gear. If there is a way to make money the scammers will always find a way.

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