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Thread: am i doing this wrong?!

  1. #1

    am i doing this wrong?!

    ok, i need a little guidance from you juiced-up geniuses. i'm now on my 3rd week of test cyp. first 2 weeks was 300mg/wk, this week i went 450mg. problem is, it's not doing anything for me. it has made me really tired, my joints hurt, and my workouts are way less intense than before. i haven't gained any weight or strength. i've done quite a few PH/DS cycles in the past and have responded well. i ran a 10 week cycle of Halodrol over the winter and did a 6 week PCT before starting this. i know, i know...time on = time off, but i thought it would be ok. you think maybe the ol HPTA wasn't quite ready yet? or do i just need to up my dosage?

    note: a buddy of mine started his cycle of the same stuff 2 weeks before me and he's seeing great results. by week 4, he had gained 17 pounds and felt like an animal in the gym.

    stats: 28 yrs old, 5'9", 165 lbs, been lifting on/off for 10 yrs, serious for 2 yrs.
    diet is fairly clean, but obviously increased calories for cycle.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    test cyp wont start to kick in till at least week 4, its a long ester. Just stay at the dose that you are at dont go up anymore. You should know this as youve already put this substance into your body which leads me to belive you havnt done much reaserch. Make sure your diet is in check as that will be the biggest factor. Head to the diet section and read the stickies.

  3. #3
    i have done the research and i do understand that cyp is a long ester. my question is more about the lethargy that has come from the first 3 weeks of this cycle. i feel like my buddy's early "changes" have to be mostly placebo effect, but you can't argue with the weight gain. i've just never run anything that made me tired like this. just thought that was weird. made me question the legitimacy of the gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kitchen, Gym, Bed... Utah
    My Test Enth cycles (same as cyp) kick in around week 5. Stick it out and EAT!!! You'll feel great in no time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dirty Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by jbirdsvt View Post
    ok, i need a little guidance from you juiced-up geniuses. i'm now on my 3rd week of test cyp. first 2 weeks was 300mg/wk, this week i went 450mg. problem is, it's not doing anything for me. it has made me really tired, my joints hurt, and my workouts are way less intense than before. i haven't gained any weight or strength. i've done quite a few PH/DS cycles in the past and have responded well. i ran a 10 week cycle of Halodrol over the winter and did a 6 week PCT before starting this. i know, i know...time on = time off, but i thought it would be ok. you think maybe the ol HPTA wasn't quite ready yet? or do i just need to up my dosage?

    note: a buddy of mine started his cycle of the same stuff 2 weeks before me and he's seeing great results. by week 4, he had gained 17 pounds and felt like an animal in the gym.

    stats: 28 yrs old, 5'9", 165 lbs, been lifting on/off for 10 yrs, serious for 2 yrs.
    diet is fairly clean, but obviously increased calories for cycle.

    IMHO you should have at least gained to 190ish naturally before introducing hormones, thats pretty light.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by jbirdsvt View Post
    ok, i need a little guidance from you juiced-up geniuses. i'm now on my 3rd week of test cyp. first 2 weeks was 300mg/wk, this week i went 450mg. problem is, it's not doing anything for me. it has made me really tired, my joints hurt, and my workouts are way less intense than before. i haven't gained any weight or strength. i've done quite a few PH/DS cycles in the past and have responded well. i ran a 10 week cycle of Halodrol over the winter and did a 6 week PCT before starting this. i know, i know...time on = time off, but i thought it would be ok. you think maybe the ol HPTA wasn't quite ready yet? or do i just need to up my dosage?

    note: a buddy of mine started his cycle of the same stuff 2 weeks before me and he's seeing great results. by week 4, he had gained 17 pounds and felt like an animal in the gym.

    stats: 28 yrs old, 5'9", 165 lbs, been lifting on/off for 10 yrs, serious for 2 yrs.
    diet is fairly clean, but obviously increased calories for cycle.

    I agree, 4-5 weeks is when I see results from Test Cyp...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    OC/LA Cali
    I would get some blood work done. Maybe your Halodrol and test cycles are to close to each other

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Just putting in another affirmative on five weeks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Test C at 300mg? Well regardless you wouldn't feel anything until week 5 or so, but at 300mg, I doubt you're going to get much results. keep running the test at 450mg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RaZr View Post
    IMHO you should have at least gained to 190ish naturally before introducing hormones, thats pretty light.
    Agreed although most everyone else is looking past the point that diet would have done everything and more than his current cycle. I wish I had that kind of money to waste instead of learning to eat right. On 2nd though, I do have the money to waste but I'm glad I'm smart enough not to waste it and do what is right first.

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